The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2448

My engine bay was lovely and clean not long ago but some enthusiastic splashing through muddy puddles has made it a bit grubby. The final straw was following a slurry tanker today which was as slurry-tight as it should have been and the whiff is now pretty grim.
Can I get away with just hosing it down? Do I need to take any precautions? I know some cars really hate water under the bonnet (I've owned a Fiat in the past!) and some don't seem to mind. I'm thinking that a bucket of dilute degreaser, some scrubbing brush agitation and then a good rinse with the hose would be my plan A but I thought I'd better check.
What is the collective wisdom of the forum?

Posts: 1370

Don't splash around the LPG ECU or pressure sensor mate!


Posts: 8153

As long as you are reasonably careful and don't drown any ECUs or the fusebox, it should be OK. The electrical bits on the engine are designed so you can take it wading so ought to be pretty waterproof.