The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2448

Hi folks....
The Duchess doesn't seem to want to leave the garage. The alternator has now died (it was fine when I dropped it off!)
The battery has been charged but the battery light stays on. The garage says it's only charging at 11.1V and a replacement is needed. This is the cheapest I can see and IIRC Denso are OK. What do you reckon?
Thanks once more!

Posts: 2448

and now I see that 150 and 120 amp alternators have different brackets. Hmm. I wonder which it had!

Posts: 2448

NewsFlash :)

The number on the alt is LRA02803 and there's a nice little "remanufactured" sticker on it.

which would make me think it's a 150A Lucas part. Bosch seem to be listing at £350 but there's this on ebay.
Whaddya think?
Are lucas as bad as their reputation? I guess I could rebuild the current one and keep it on the shelf next to the EAS pumps 😀 😁

Posts: 8165

Morat wrote:

Are lucas as bad as their reputation? I guess I could rebuild the current one and keep it on the shelf next to the EAS pumps 😀 😁

You've got a Lucas and it has died, 'nuff said.....

Be wary what you get, the mounting are different from GEMS and Thor, so when someone says it fits P38 94-02, it doesn't, it'll be one or the other. You need ERR5834 (150A) or ERR6413 (130A). The 130A one is a lot cheaper https://www.lrdirect.com/err6413-alternator-pwr (unless you go all posh and get a Bosch....).

Posts: 2448

Gilbertd wrote:

Morat wrote:

Are lucas as bad as their reputation? I guess I could rebuild the current one and keep it on the shelf next to the EAS pumps 😀 😁

You've got a Lucas and it has died, 'nuff said.....

Fair point... It's a refurbed Lucas and assuming it was fitted the week before I bought the car it has lasted about 5 years. That's not exactly stellar but if I have a spare on the shelf I can probably live with it.

Be wary what you get, the mounting are different from GEMS and Thor, so when someone says it fits P38 94-02, it doesn't, it'll be one or the other. You need ERR5834 (150A) or ERR6413 (130A). The 130A one is a lot cheaper https://www.lrdirect.com/err6413-alternator-pwr (unless you go all posh and get a Bosch....).

Thank you for the part numbers, super helpful. The one I linked has ERR5834 in the description, not that it's a guarantee but I imagine it's a good sign.

Posts: 819

I've always felt my alternator lacking. Voltage will sag right down when using heated screen for instance.

Had a look just now and its a Denso 076334-1353 unit, which seems to be 100A from what i can find online.

The Thor units seem more powerful, 150A versions are fairly readily available on ebay... are there any other options for Gems?

Do you know if a Thor bracket will fit a GEMS engine (and still work with the other anciliaries)?

Posts: 8165

Thor bracket will fit but it won't line up, belt will be out of alignment. The GEMS is listed as having either a 100A or 120A and the higher power one is what should be fitted to a car with heated screen. See https://www.island-4x4.co.uk/alternator-4046-120amp-denso-amr2938-p-509.html.

Posts: 819

Does the Thor use a different crank pulley or something?

I actually have a full Thor engine spare but the alternator was snagged before they took it out the car, so I have the brackets but not the alternator itself.

Posts: 8165

Pulley is probably the same but it has different mountings and I think it is slightly further forward.

Posts: 819

The crank pulley is the same as is the crankshaft itself? So the lower pulley is in the same place on both engines?

I cant see how the alternator can therefore operate in a different plane?

The tensioner arrangement is different, but the tensioner itself seems to be the same part, the Thor just gains an additional idler (presumably for more belt wrap?)

So a thor alternator+bracket+tensioner should work on a GEMS unless it clashes with something?

Posts: 8165

PAS pump and AC compressor are in a different place so I suspect you'd need to swap over the mounting block for them too. It might be possible but you're the one with the two engines side by side so you're in the best position to judge.

Posts: 819

Yeah I'll need to dig the bits out. Headgaskets will be happening soon so ideal opportunity to do some comparison.