The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2448

Hello, since we've had the Rangie (about two months) there have been 3-4 times when the gearbox has failed to engage. The display on the dash is normal and agrees with the gear lever position but you end up revving and going nowhere. So far is has always engaged gear on the second attempt and behaved itself for the rest of the trip but I'd like to check to see if this is the beginning of anything scary or whether there's a simple explanation (or whether it's normal?).
Could someone let me know if I should start saving up? :)

Posts: 8151

Normal display means the XYZ switch is OK so the most likely thing is that it's a bit low on fluid. Unfortunately you've got the later one so no dipstick on the gearbox, checking the level involves crawling underneath and risking getting a face full of Dexron 3. If the engine is off, then the level will be high making you think that there's plenty in there but it has to be checked when cold but with the engine running and after you've gone through the gears a couple of times to circulate the fluid.

Posts: 2448

Great! there's nothing more reassuring that tinkering with a running vehicle, from underneath!

But thanks, I'll see if I can get it on a ramp at work and have a look. If there's no dipstick, is it a "fill to the hole" type job?

Posts: 8151

At the risk of sounding like someone else, the procedure is all in RAVE. If you haven't downloaded it yet, do it now!

But yes, it is a fill to the hole. It's done with the engine and gearbox cold. Start engine, go through all gears slowly a couple of times, leave in neutral, then leap underneath and fill to the level hole. The reason why there's no dipstick on the later cars is the gap where it comes up on an earlier GEMS isn't there any more as it's filled with that big bunch of ally bananas on top of your engine.

Posts: 781

When the plug is out you can fill it more easily with a length of clear nylon hose and either a big syringe or a garden sprayer with the nozzle cut off.

Posts: 17

Gilbertd wrote:

At the risk of sounding like someone else, the procedure is all in RAVE. If you haven't downloaded it yet, do it now!


Gilbertd wrote:

The reason why there's no dipstick on the later cars is the gap where it comes up on an earlier GEMS isn't there any more as it's filled with that big bunch of ally bananas on top of your engine.

Wonder what your explanation is for no dipstick on the Diesel then..... (and the fact that allmost every ZF since the late ninetys no longer came with a dipstick) at a Bosch/Thor V8 there still is a way to get a dipstick into the engine bay if they'd wanted to