The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
741 posts

Hello experts ! Only just found this site -by chance- after one of my infrequent (these days) visits to the "other" site. Not really going to dwell too much on all the B/S that just happened (and was just removed) but suffice it to say I was also banned... three times. On one occasion is was for not standing for any nasty nonsense from one of RRTH's mates, another time because RRTH did not like my writing style/use of punctuation, particularly italics, and finally because after being trolled by RRTH (who chose to edit almost every one of my posts - simply because he could) I finally 'lost it' and posted up all the bad stuff I had been told about Carl (and LLT); Oh dear..... I think I am detecting a pattern somewhere there !... I also contacted VS in Canada prior to this but quickly realised they did not really care. If you have such a great 'resource' as Richard why would you ban them ? Worse than that for several years many other highly-technical folks with excellent P38 skills 'crossed swords' with RRTH (and his over-inflated ego) etc and were also banned. Just goes to show what happens when you 'give idiots power'... Enough said....

Had my P38 (4.0 SE) for 15 years....and for many of the expected (GEMS) problems too. To be fair my own skills are more soldering-iron related than spanner-related but that's always quite handy with a P38; When folks ask me "what are these like ?" I learned to say "you need an Electronics Degree, a bucket of superglue and a big bag of patience".... but folks on here already know that of course...!

Great to see so many of the recognised P38 experts on here now.... and also to read stories like Richard's French adventures too; As we know it is cathartic to 'share the pain' and know there really is hope with these beasts if you just persevere with them; And that is exactly what John Brabyn intended of course.