Replies in no particular order:
I couldn't work out how to get to the clips off the top of the front airbag, one thing I've learned is that any damage costs £££ so I take it easy now!
It took me ages to get the bottom pin into it as well, I eventually got it in once I'd jacked up the axle a bit more. It was frustrating so an old rule from the Royal Marines, "If at first you don't succeed, wrap and have a wet" or take a break and have a cup of tea and a fag (if you are a smoker!). So plenty of cups of tea while working out tactics.
No I didn't trim the pipe, I will today though.
Thanks for the clips info, I'll buy a bag or 2 for future proofing
Rear bag: I made a hook out of twisted coat hanger wire and sprayed lots of WD40 last time then just gave it a clean yank and out it popped. It was harder getting the top one to re-seat correctly but I eventually did it.
Then the impact driver started spinning the shock and lovely hot rubber smoke came pouring out.... Then I saw the nut and got a spanner locked against the hub. More fun was had including trying to fit both of the new rubbers that came with the Boges shock, but no, the new rubbers are too big by about 2 threads. So I had to re-use one of the old ones as it was slimmer or more compressed so that's above the lock nut. The top nut came off easily though, I was surprised.
Right time to watch Manchester City and then get to it again :-D
Thanks for the replies guys, I think I have it bad but then I read other threads and realise it's 3 cheeks of the same arse (to quote a phrase)
2000 P38 DSE, Silver Gold, HP24
This one's called Dave, after Dave3d :-)