The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 805

I added Google Adsense adverts for not-logged-in users to the Alveston Red theme (the forum default). These are not shown to registered, logged-in users, only to Guest users (of which there seem to be quite a few, hello Russian bots!) a few weeks ago.

It's currently sitting at an estimated earning of 68p per month.

Posts: 8165

Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but you ain't going to be retiring on it........

Posts: 1141

Interesting though, I've just tried browsing whilst not logged in and can't see any change?

Posts: 2448

You owe yourself 0.01p!

Posts: 1371

Lol! I think I'm getting to that old and out of touch stage you never imagine yourself reaching when you're young, into tech stuff and promise yourself you'll never be far behind others.... I could ask my son (who used to ask me stuff about computers) but I'll ask you - How do you know it's Russian bots that have been 'visiting'? So it's possible to take a user's web address and denote a geographical area then?! When I worked for chamber of commerce there was a guy doing a similar job as me (teaching / training others) who said he'd only got into computers due to thinking he was out of touch / behind the times and needed to catch up.. so he did loads of courses, got loads of quals on it and eventually ended up teaching the subject. At the time I would still have pissed all over his IT skills when it came to more in depth stuff but these days I doubt it - it''s me that's becoming the old out of touch guy. I might have to chuck myself into IT again, maybe even start DJIng again. Focused so much on LPG for such a long time I fear I've become a one poker in the fire guy... DJing always helped prevent the one fire aspect ;-)

Posts: 805

Well, blocks of IP addresses are assigned to particular organisations, and as they are split down records are kept of who owns what. So, you can locate an IP address pretty approximately. I see a lot of traffic from South America and Russia (Panama seems to be a favourite jumping-off point for internet scammers), just randomly hitting pages throughout the site.

Most of the spammers that sign up use domain names along the lines of "canadian-pharmacy.info", or webmail accounts from yandex.ru which is like the Russian Google.

Posts: 805

So Google have posted my earnings for the month and a bit, and so far the adverts served to not-logged-in Russian spambots has earned the site £1.01... I promise I won't spend it all at once ;-)

Posts: 8165

More than the estimate, it can only keep going up......

Bit like a mate of mine who's a pro musician. He did a backing track for a TV advert and was getting a royalties cheque in the post every month. When he got a cheque for 68p he figured the ad campaign had ended and that would be the end of it. 2 years later he started getting them again and found that the ad had been dubbed into a different language and was being run in some foreign country but using the same music.

Posts: 1327

Looks like you won’t be retiring any time

Posts: 805

Finally after 18 months or so Google Adsense has reached the payment threshold of 60 quid, so that's the domain name paid for the next couple of years.

Not bad.

Posts: 1083

Not bad at all