The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1327

im of the opinion that I'm happy to leave that site and just stay here, on many occasions I would of blown my top at the condescending replays you get on the other site, but bit my tongue, as you've pointed out, there's and our humour are very different. Most probably one of the reasons I've never wanted, or intend to visit there so called great nation. Its there loss of your knowledge which someone has already pointed out..

Ps, I'm up for the road trip

Posts: 1228

I visited California, Arizona and Nevada errr 9 years ago, and loved the place. If I had the money I'd do it again no questions asked. A certain P38-shaped money pit means that's not on the cards for a loooong time.

Besides, Trump will probably f*ck the whole place up in 5 minutes anyway if enough of them are delusional enough to vote for him.

Posts: 2448

One reason why rrpub has not been widely publicised is that we would prefer to keep the membership to people that have a modicum of technical knowledge

I'll do my best, pwomise!

As for ToadHall, I'd just ignore him. The more you complain about being banned the more he'll enjoy his power trip. The game really isn't worth the candle. It's an open forum so you can still read it, but if you register a new account I bet they won't catch up with you unless you start posting. It's very hard to hide your posting style from an experienced moderator.

Posts: 8165

In the last 2 or 3 years I have learned to ignore RRToadHall. As I said in my email to admin, I suspect he is actually a decent enough bloke he just comes over as arrogant in some of his posts. I suspect more as a result of frustration at the idiotic questions often asked than anything else and that frustration, and the culture differences between us and over there, make him seem more of a prat than he really is.

I'm also grateful to pl626 (and no doubt a few others) on there that have been reading this thread and have chipped in to speak out for me. I answer people's questions from experience and a sense of wanting to help. I have covered over 120,000 miles in my P38 in the last 6 years and am currently 1,520 miles from home in it. These journeys have not always been without problems so any advice on how to repair something is from experience, not always at the most convenient of times either! If it can go wrong on a P38, I suspect it has on mine at some point or another. Through answering these questions I have met many like minded people, either in person or virtually and if it were not for RR.net, this forum and the friendships it has instigated would not exist.

I'm interested in leftlanetrucking's latest on the RR.net thread where he says that the matter was first raised by the site owners on the admin forum (which isn't able to be seen by anyone other than an admin). It would have been nice if something had been said to me at that time as that would surely be the way to deal with a member that was not playing by the rules? A warning when they first became concerned could have alerted everyone to a problem. But that is obviously not the way they work (although should anyone feel like asking the question of them any reply might be interesting). However, it does seem to suggest that it wasn't the doing of RRTH.

Having not yet received a reply to my message to admin, I've just sent the following email to Verticalscope directly and will wait with baited breath for a reply (or not....):

Dear Sirs

It has been alleged that I have been sending a large amount of what have been described as spam emails from my account on RangeRovers.net under my username of Gilbertd. This is something that I strongly deny and suspect that my account has been hacked and the emails sent without my knowledge. I can only assume that they were sent as private messages but the most recent private message I have sent was one entitled 'CassAuto 06' sent to Mikeinfrance on 23rd or 24th August. Prior to that I believe I last sent a PM around early July.

Would you pleased supply me with a list of all outgoing private messages sent from the account of Gilbertd in the last 3 months or so? If it is possible could you also ascertain the IP address that these messages were sent from? I would normally use BT Internet in the UK as my ISP so all messages would have come from a BT IP address. I was in France on the 14th to 17th July and again from 18th to 22nd August so between these dates anything would originate from a French ISP IP address. Since 28th August I have been visiting family in Latvia so have been logging on to the site from a Latvian IP address. Anything sent from any other IP addresses would not have been sent by me.

Should you need any further security information to verify that I am indeed Gilbertd, do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you

Richard Gilbert

Posts: 8165

Nothing from either email as yet but now the thread on the other forum has disappeared, I suspect it is all being brushed under the carpet and never happened.

Their loss not mine.......

Posts: 2

That's too bad, especially since your knowledge was not limited to P38s...Now I have to read another RR forum...If you can get this on Tapatalk, that would be awesome! Then, it would be like it was before, i.e., as if it were all one big forum.

You'll be happy to hear that I successfully convinced my friend and neighbor to keep his EAS alive and not switch to coils. He and his wife are very happy they stuck with the EAS.

Posts: 805

I've no problem with setting up a section for other models of RR. Someone with the appropriate magic ought to be able to wave the admin juju stick and make it happen.

I've had a very long and trying day, so I'm not going to fiddle with it right now.

Posts: 384

Ya get distracted for just a bit and it all goes pear shaped!
That was a great read! (This Thread) and not really surprising, based upon the personalities involved.
Interesting that it was attributed to "Admin" and not to TH as would have been expected.
Just gotta say GOOD ON YER Gilbert!
Fortunately for me, I had a Brit sense of Humor installed when I was about 16 (Loooong ago!) So I not only Get it, I appreciate your droll wit!
Keep up the GREAT work here, and if the other guys don't want to play? It's their loss!
Just glad I made the "cut" and got an early invite!

Posts: 7

I am so happy to find this site. I was just given a month long ban by RRToadhall. This all started with him telling me to stay on topic in a thread that I started. I started a thread asking about rear brake lines. Then I asked about rust treatment in the same thread. He then stepped in. His PM's were very condescending while accusing me of the same...

The funny thing is, banning someone is an empty threat. I just think it is funny to find out how much of a reputation this guy has for being a jerk.

Honestly, being banned from Rangerovers.net is not even a bump in my life.

Posts: 331

You'll find nearly everyone here started on there until we got fed up of the total LACK of knowledge on there. Also most of us are based in the UK though I think we have members in France, Spain, Canada and the Philippines.

Posts: 1327

I got an adverse RRTH response when I said my clock loses an hour every day, I just ignored it, don’t know why he seems to want to argue with everyone, I didn’t say the clocks were shit, but got accused of it, I can’t see anywhere on your thread where you did anything wrong !
On here you can voice your opinion any way you like, every car has good and bad points, people are entitled to know the good and bad points, it helps people thinking about buying one to look for things that might need repair soon.

Ps, welcome

Posts: 7

no10chris wrote:

I got an adverse RRTH response when I said my clock loses an hour every day, I just ignored it, don’t know why he seems to want to argue with everyone, I didn’t say the clocks were shit, but got accused of it, I can’t see anywhere on your thread where you did anything wrong !
On here you can voice your opinion any way you like, every car has good and bad points, people are entitled to know the good and bad points, it helps people thinking about buying one to look for things that might need repair soon.

Ps, welcome

So, he deleted my response asking about rust treatment. Which I only brought up because of his suggestion... However, the 1:1 discussion went down hill quickly. I was never rude aside from ending with Merry Christmas. That really seemed to bother him. He was far more aggressive and derogatory in his messages.

He brought up rust mitigation. I asked about recommendations on how to deal with rust, and he shut me down saying that was off topic. Then he deleted the messages aside from me thanking him for his advice...

The funny thing is that it doesn't matter. I can still access all the info on the site; I was just happy to find an alternative that pointed him out as an over eager internet mod.

Posts: 7

BTW, I would love to find out that he is reading these threads... I hope he enjoys being a big fish in a very small pond...

Posts: 7

OldShep56 wrote:

You'll find nearly everyone here started on there until we got fed up of the total LACK of knowledge on there. Also most of us are based in the UK though I think we have members in France, Spain, Canada and the Philippines.

Well, maybe I can drum up some members from the US. :)

Posts: 741

The saddest thing is that Scrooge/Toad actually enjoys attention, even this kind, he seems to get off on it - and RR.net it is 'HIS' site of course....
Worst Mod. I ever encountered: With his attitude he should be Trump's Press Secretary, there is something a bit "Shaun Spicer" about him..
(and if he did read those comments he probably considers them as compliments !); Still...... Merry Christmas Toad !

Posts: 647

no10chris wrote:

I got an adverse RRTH response when I said my clock loses an hour every day, I just ignored it, don’t know why he seems to want to argue with everyone, I didn’t say the clocks were shit, but got accused of it, I can’t see anywhere on your thread where you did anything wrong !
On here you can voice your opinion any way you like, every car has good and bad points, people are entitled to know the good and bad points, it helps people thinking about buying one to look for things that might need repair soon.

Ps, welcome

I can't remember kissing his ass but he was willing sending me one:
enter link description here
but gets away with the fact I live here...

Posts: 8165

esprits4s wrote:

This all started with him telling me to stay on topic in a thread that I started. I started a thread asking about rear brake lines. Then I asked about rust treatment in the same thread. He then stepped in.

I've registered a different username on there so I can send the odd reply but mainly to avoid the ads. I saw your thread, I saw his comment about dropping the tank allowing you to deal with any rust and then when he told you to stay on topic, I saw your reply. I very nearly sent you a PM warning you that you were getting dangerously close to a ban by answering him back. Seems he hasn't yet entered into the Christmas spirit of goodwill to all men.

Welcome and if it wasn't for Toad, I think we'd have far less members on here. But will you please remember that this is primarily a UK based forum. So it's a car not a truck, it has a bonnet not a hood and it runs on petrol not gas as that really causes confusion when so many of us this side of the Atlantic run our cars on LPG.

PS, do you actually have an Esprit as well as a P38? A glutton for punishment is the phrase that springs to mind.......

Posts: 2312

fenders go down the side of boats, rockers operate the valves....
the list is endless, but the good thing is we're bilingual and inclusive here
Seasons Greetings!

Posts: 7

Gilbertd wrote:

esprits4s wrote:

This all started with him telling me to stay on topic in a thread that I started. I started a thread asking about rear brake lines. Then I asked about rust treatment in the same thread. He then stepped in.

I've registered a different username on there so I can send the odd reply but mainly to avoid the ads. I saw your thread, I saw his comment about dropping the tank allowing you to deal with any rust and then when he told you to stay on topic, I saw your reply. I very nearly sent you a PM warning you that you were getting dangerously close to a ban by answering him back. Seems he hasn't yet entered into the Christmas spirit of goodwill to all men.

Welcome and if it wasn't for Toad, I think we'd have far less members on here. But will you please remember that this is primarily a UK based forum. So it's a car not a truck, it has a bonnet not a hood and it runs on petrol not gas as that really causes confusion when so many of us this side of the Atlantic run our cars on LPG.

PS, do you actually have an Esprit as well as a P38? A glutton for punishment is the phrase that springs to mind.......

So, I never ran into him before this thread. I've been a member there for 7+ years, but pretty low key. However, I could quickly tell from his PM's that I was going to get banned unless I backed down. But, I didn't. I tried not to be too rude, while still arguing that he was out of line. Well, you can imagine how that went down. When I sent the last PM, I was pretty sure a ban was coming. I'm in my 40's and have been on the internet pretty much since the beginning. I've been a member of a number of automotive web sites for most of that time, and this is the first time I've had a run in with a mod.

Anyways, I'm glad to find out there is an alternative. The fact that most of you are UK based is fine with me. Who knows these CARS (:)) better than a bunch of Brits:) (BTW, please excuse me for any inappropriate regional comments;))

As for my forum name, yes I own a couple of Esprits. I have a '95S4s and a '03 FE V8. The Esprit was the dream car that I wanted in high school (I even had the poster hanging on my wall). They are, in my opinion, amazingly under respected cars. I might be a glutton, but I've been eyeing Jaguars for years and will likely add one to the stable one of these days as well. There are some TVR's that I'd love to own as well!! You guys have turned out some awesome cars:)

Posts: 805

Glad to have you here. I should probably stick a "warning label" about Hotmail accounts on the signup page, they filter quite aggressively.

As an aside I have not had to ban any "real" users in the not-quite two years this site has been running - quite a few spammers, but no real people.

This should not be taken as a challenge :-D

(Edit: not two years for a couple of days, it was started just before Hogmanay, not Christmas).

(Edit edit: Damn me, I should have kept quiet about spammers)