The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1357

Although https://www.google.com/search?q=steam+greenhouse+effect&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB828GB828&oq=steam+greenho&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0j0i22i30l5j0i10i22i30j0i22i30.14423j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Hehe just playing devil's advocate though ;-) Thing about steam is it will condense and become just water.

Burning any HC fuel, the H in the HC becomes H2O, steam, anyway. And that is additional water, not water that was turned into H + O and back into water as with hydrogen fuel.

Posts: 2448

True, but the steam that steam engines produce was water before it was boiled.. so all the additional greenhouse gases produced are a byproduct of burning the coal (or wood, or coffee!)

Posts: 1357

I agree.

If we don't burn fossil fuels the planet's water content stays constant or increases if we burn fossil fuels.

But to clarify the point orhers are making they're saying atmospheric water is a greenhouse gas whilst land water and oceans don't have a greenhouse effect... Even if we burn hydrogen made from water we increase greenhouse effect by increasing air humidity. Burning HC produces less humidity than burning H. Edit - When we burn HCs we make less H2O than burning H but make CO2.

Maybe if the humidity effect is true we could simply fit a condenser to the exhauat of a H engine..

Posts: 2448

I don't think a condenser would be a tricky thing to engineer in relation to replacing the whole fossil fuel supply chain :)

It's an interesting point on increasing the world's humidity by turning water into steam/vapour. I guess it all depends on how quickly it would condense on its own accord. I'd like to think the effect would be minimal but people once thought that would be true of CO2 emissions.... CO2 does stick around until captured by plants, though It doesn't just fall out of the sky by itself.

Posts: 1357

Yeh, got to doubt the humidity claims... Engines kick out some (though less than burning H) water vapour anyway. Would expect the weather to have a vastly greater effect on humidity than steam from exhausts.

Stop people brewing tea and coffee if they want to drive, all that steam from kettles lol. Would suit me but I don't like tea or coffee ;-)

Difficult to win... 'We just made a viable car, it's only emissions are water'. 'The water emissions cause climate change'.

Posts: 671

mad-as wrote:

hi Pierre3 you are required to do nothing other than take some notice of the comments and make your own decisions, thats the media comments that is . you will see what is going on with the way it's put to you . as thunderburg would say "you have 1 year to make the change before it's to late " push the fear factor , create confusion buy not stating what the change will be and then give direction buy doing what she says . sorry it's not a joke , it's what is really happening and most are not seeing it . it is also how the media works ,especially when it comes to the government or the side they pick in an election .
PS i don't know what will happen if all the cars run on h2 , it's a question that i asked and isnt it all about the weather? if their is a risk that the weather pattern might change then it;s a no go as that is what all this is based on ,weather patterns . how humid would it be in heavy traffic in the city with no wind , an increase in humidity could produce fungus and molds too., we just dont know the effects and they are not going to tell you . as you stated the steam trains didn't cause a problem but they moved all the time not sat stagnant in traffic so the spread was greater also they didnt come in their millions world wide. just looking at the big picture.

Hi Mad-as, I know exactly what you meant in the original post - I was just gently making a bit of fun :(

I have always been in favour of using nuclear power, due to the huge output of modern nuclear reactors. What I have a huge objection to is the totally idiotic decision to employ a French/Chinese consortium to build and run the network. I can only think that any British politician who thinks this is a good idea either is a complete and utter dimwit, or else has got his hands deep into the Chinese governments pockets. It is obvious that the clowns in Westminster didn't take any notice when Russia cut off gas supplies to the Ukraine.


Posts: 8105

We might be getting a few more home grown ones within 10 years or so, see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-54703204. We already import quite a bit (it used to be 30% but no idea what it is now) of our electricity from French nuclear stations mainly because what used to be National Grid is now EDF (Electricite, Distribution Francais). Being a French nationalised company, EDF profits in France are capped, so they just expand into other countries where they can make as much profit as they like. France Telecom, the French the equivalent to BT, is the same, home profits are capped, so they bought Orange, which they subsequently merged with Deutsche Telekom owned T-Mobile to become EE (Everything Everywhere) and can make as much profit as they like over here.

Posts: 671

Richard, the big issue for me is the complete ignorance of government ministers of the intentions of the Chinese government. It amazes me that they don't seem to have realised that the chinese are not building infrastructure in the UK just because they like the UK. They want to control the output, and therefore profits, of the countries that they build factories in, and supply infrastructure projects.

If the UK government, in the future, and after Westminster has handed over all power generation to Peking, doesn't do what China wants it to do, for instance ban people from Hong Kong from getting out of HK on UK passports, then they would just switch off the nuclear reactors until the UK politicians behave themselves and kow-tow back to Peking, grovelling and squealing.

The UK surely has the technical expertise to build nuclear power stations, and it would also provide a good stream of work for local labour. But hey, the British government doesn't really care anymore about using British engineers and builders !!


Posts: 8105

The Rolls Royce nuclear project will be a boost for UK engineers but I'm afraid I don't agree with the Trump (am I the only one that finds it amusing that the name of a US president is also the word for a fart?) inspired conspiracy theories over Huawei. Virtually all of the 5G and most of the 4G infrastructure used their hardware because it was cheap, worked far better than anything any other company could supply, was smaller, lighter, cheaper, easier to install and just worked. Now quite how the Chinese Government can gain anything useful from a radio transceiver is beyond me and I worked with them for the last 35 years. They didn't make the rest of the kit, only the transceivers. The fact that initially there was no alternative and once there was, it wasn't a patch on the 'Chinese' equipment (as one senior engineer for one of the MNO's always referred to it) had a lot to do with it. They were being pressured to install 5G (although for the life of me I have no idea why, it doesn't do anything that 4G can't and nobody actually needs it) then once they'd started to roll it out were told they couldn't use the best equipment on the market.

Posts: 551

China is becoming a real problem for the world and they must be approached with caution, don't forget where the china virus came from ? and the reason it was let out, i think it was a test to see how the world would respond . not an accident.

Posts: 96

Well things have moved on since it was how valuable is my car?
My view,
solar power (limitless supply),
room temperature superconductors (to get the power to the dark bits as the world spins),
generate and store hydrogen,
used in fuel cells,
to replace the batteries.
Job done.

Oh and in the meantime ban all non electric new vehicle production, use the freed up manufacturing capacity to convert cars to LPG as they age in the interim.

Posts: 671

I suppose that at foreign governments, that were ignored by the economically powerful western governments are always going to be suspect as they gain more and more worldwide power. Such as China and Russia under Putin. Putin has already stated that he intends to make Russia in a world dominating power, although he could find himself struggling against China with its massive numbers of cheap labour.

Russia has the advantage of huge amounts of energy, whereas China has the labour force. Who wins ? The energy suppliers or the vast human labour force.

You can see what Putin is up to in Russia, he has got the Russian authorities to start arresting and prosrcuting anti-Putin protesters, such as the Alexei Navalny political opposition party. If the members get prosecuted they face up to 10 years in a Siberian prison. So much for democratic opposition. Putin wants to crush any idea of democracy, and then reform Russia as the old USSR with a huge land-based army. Then, I bet he will over-run Latvia, Lithuania, and the Ukraine and put everyone back behind the Iron Curtain. Happy days are here again !!!

I think that the States is knackered anyway as a world power. I recently watched a couple of really good programmes, on TV, about how America drove massive factory production after the war and into the early sixties. Another programme was about a rocket silo in Nebraska [I think], which is now abandoned, and was so advanced that it almost certainly put an immediate stop to Russia's sabre rattling in the late sixties. At that stage the States was the place to be, loads of good employment if you were prepared to work, and a country that you really could do very well for yourself.

Unfortunately, the country is now full of self-serving, greedy grab-alls who care nothing for their fellow worker. It's all about climbing to the top by stabbing your co-workers in the back and taking the rewards.

If Britain [and Ireland] want to get people back into work, and look forward to a future they need to re-introduce large scale factory manufactering for all those young people who have no second or third level qualifications and who never will have. Give them productive jobs in factories, and apprenticeships, instead of just leaving them to live on social services all their lives.

OK, that's me done 😅. Me, I'm going back to training my donkey to go to the shops on his own with a shopping list - it hasn't been a success so far.


Posts: 341

There’s thread creep and then there’s this..... ^^^^^^

Jesus wept

Posts: 2448

mad-as wrote:

China is becoming a real problem for the world and they must be approached with caution, don't forget where the china virus came from ? and the reason it was let out, i think it was a test to see how the world would respond . not an accident.

You are Donald Trump and I claim my five pounds :)

Posts: 8105

JMCLuimni wrote:

There’s thread creep and then there’s this..... ^^^^^^

Jesus wept

Yeah, it's got a bit off topic. If there was a way of splitting it into a new one once it started creeping I'd have done it but it doesn't seem like there is.

However, getting back on topic, I've just been speaking to Car & Classic about putting the Vogue (this one https://rangerovers.pub/topic/1620-what-have-you-done-to-your-range-rover-today?page=41#pid33881) into one of their auctions. Considering one that didn't look as good got bid up to £5,900 but didn't reach the reserve, I said that anything over £4k would be acceptable to me so they suggested putting it in with a reserve of £4,600 (as they take £500 + VAT commission) but expect it to go for more than that. Their estimate is around the £5-6k mark (which I'll be well impressed with).

Posts: 671

Yes, fair enough, we have been a bit side-tracked, but then it is as if we are in a pub discussion, so things will go sideways abit, before getting back to the original point. But it is still interesting.

Richard, I have trying to put a car on the Car & Classics sale website, and I am getting a bit fed up with how the website works nowadays. I first put an advert up last week, Thursday, and as I don't want people ringing me at all times just to ask stupid question [such "How much will you take ?"] I put the mobile number in as xxx [the network code] 000 0000. When I looked at the website the next morning it said that the advert had been deleted.

So I tried again on Friday night with the number as xxx 123 0000. When I checked my account on Saturday there was no record of my advert.

I tried again yesterday with the phone number as xxx 123 4567. This went through and I got an email to say that the advert would soon be live, but then this morning I got an email from C&C to request that I print a picture of the car, with the text that I was submitting the car reference number for sale, which I had to put on the car. And then send another photo of the car with the printed picture on the windscreen as a confirmation that it is me selling the car.

Fair enough, so I did all that. And I get an email back to say that the picture is too small a resolution, could I resend everything in a bigger resolution.

Je+++ !!! So I enlarged said picture to 40mb [8000 x 10600 pixels] and sent that ! If that isn't a big enough resolution I will advertise the car elsewhere. I was going to reply to the guy at C&C and ask him why can't he just enlarge the picture himself, or don't they have any image editting software !!


Posts: 8105

I'm not a great fan of classified ads as you will always get the phone calls with stupid questions or stupid offers so figured an auction is the way to go. Someone also has to be searching for a specific car rather than an auction listing where something may catch their eye. However, eBay is the place to go to look for an old dog that you can buy cheaply and most adverts don't tell you anything although you can often work out what problems a car has by looking at the things that aren't mentioned (the old argument of, well the ad never said the AC worked so when you find it doesn't, tough), it isn't the place if you want to get a good price for something a bit decent. The other option is Catawiki, (https://www.catawiki.com/c/708-classic-cars-motorcycles-automobilia) which is Europe wide so may suit you better as you are still in the EU (lucky sod).

Posts: 671

I didn't actually know about the C&C car auctions. I have just had a look through the website and they do seem to get good results. This could indeed be an option worth considering.


Posts: 2448

Here's some good news on batteries. Even if you don't want an Electric Car, it'll be great for phones etc :)