The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 60

Hello everyone,
I´m Max from Germany and since 1 year owner of a '98 RR 4.6.
I always wanted one and then had the chance to get one cheply from a friend
Converted it to LPG and am now slowly getting rid of all the little faults and "specialities" this car has.
I do everything myself on my cars and thanks to this and the .net forum I can build on the wealth of information and hints from the RR community ! Very helpful !!
By the way, are this and the .net forum in any way competitors or what is the difference between them ?

Posts: 1371

Hello and welcome Max.

I have never owned a P38 but have converted a lot of them to LPG.

Others will answer your question about competition between forums better than me but it is my understanding that Gordon and Richard decided to start this forum after experiencing 'problems' on other forums.

Posts: 8165

This forum was set up as an alternative to the American biased, overly moderated ('offensive language filters that would blank out any, to an American, mildly offensive swear words) and offensive, bullying, admin who would ban anyone who appeared to have a sense of humour, who posted any mildly offensive swear words (lets face it, if you own a P38 you need a sense of humour and are going to swear at times) or contradicted his, often wrong, advice. This forum is set up as a virtual pub, walk in, sit down and ask your question or give out advice. If a thread wanders off topic, it isn't the end of the world and you certainly won't get your post deleted and risk a ban as you would on RR.net.

I, that is, Gilbertd, got a lifetime ban from RR.net, because they could. Or at least they would never tell me why and I still haven't found out to this day. I registered a different username and carried on giving advice but refrained from telling the ones who wanted to convert to coil springs that the only pace for a coil spring was up Zebedee's arse. Then, the very same people that had given me a lifetime ban, firstly made me a Moderator and now Admin which I find highly amusing. It also means if post anything that would have got me a ban in the old days, if anyone takes exception they can report the post and it will come to me to decide what action needs taking. So far nobody ever has......

Posts: 60

Now that is irony for you :-)
OK, thanks for the infos, I had assumed something like that, also seeing the 400000.0 avatar here and on .net.
Even though I like the internationality of .net, I, as a journalist see freedom of speech (and strong emotions need strong diction) as way more important and will therefore rather spend my time (and questions :-)) here. Hopefully more like-minded people will move here...
greetings and thanks for the welcome,

Posts: 501

I too was banned from there lol

Posts: 222

Welcome. I have a 4.6 on lpg as a daily driver and fixing/living with it's "special features"!

Posts: 781

Welcome Max. I have owned my p38 for nearly 20 years now.
Tick the jobs off on your car one by one. Lots of advice on here.

Posts: 501

guten abend

Posts: 672

Hi there!
I think there is not comparison, this place is the place to be :-)

Posts: 2448

I wasn't banned, I was intercepted by Gilbertd :)