The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1141

It seems the detachable towballs also have a bit of a black market going on, Someone I know has now lost 2 as whilst they lock in place, the key is the same for all of them. He had been leaving it installed on the car whilst shopping and come back to find its been pinched twice now. Replacements sourced from facebook marketplace (probabbly sourced from supermarket car parks at a guess). After having 2 the 3rd one is now welded to a piece of chain which is bolted to the towbar, defeating the point of having the detachable towhitch in the first place. I'd have though the easy solution was to remove the hitch when not in use, but that seemed too simple a solution for him!

Posts: 8165

I'll suggest Marketplace to my mate, he's not been able to find one for under £120 so far. I'll also suggest he welds it on once he's got one too!

Posts: 1141

I think from what was said, that the detachable towball was going for around £50. Not sure if the same ball fits multiple models (I've never had a detachable towball, only fixed ones) but this is on a Range Rover Sport 2013.

Posts: 781

I changed my hitch to a 2" receiver as used in the US. It allows a range of attachments. Only downside is that it is a bit noisey.
Tow bar is still the same and type approved. Just the hitch is changed.

Posts: 672

I am making some order in the garage to free space, and finally came across something to offer to you guys.

Years ago (before roaming the pub), while looking for headlights in better condition, I came across a pair Phil was offering, in very good condition, and I bought them.
Much to my disappointment, I've learned afterwards RHD lenses and reflectors are not interchangeable with LHD, hence I cannot use them. I put them away and decided I would deal later with the issue, then Brexit came and I left it there and I could not eBay them easily.

Any of you guys might be interested? Lenses are very good, only one little chip on one, reflectors are good, and the fittings are all there, not broken or destroyed. Like all things Phil offers, there are good headlights.
The entire affair so far costed me around 150 euro, if I could get that money back I'd be happy. We can arrange how to ship them in the most economically way possible. Here photos, I can make more if needed.






Posts: 2448

Leolito - I might well be!
I hit a pheasant ages ago and one of my headlights is now pointing up. I fear the mountings are smashed. I'll have a dig into it and if the damage can't be fixed with a few clips I'll be back in touch. Feel free to sell in the meantime, of course.

Posts: 672

I had to re-read, I thought you wrote "peasant" and was like "wow, and only a headlight pointing up?" :-))))

Try to see if you shake the headlight, whether it wobbles or not, this will give you an idea of the mounting status.
I will happily wait, don't worry.

Posts: 1371

Run into a few pheasants over the years but the magpie the other week was a first for me, it tried crossing the M180 at 90 degrees to road direction and coming down at around 30degrees, cleared the West bound carriageway OK but was lower when it got to the East bound where I was doing 80mph.

Posts: 672

Gents, I am wondering since quite a while to make the "big step" towards 18" wheels.
As my 7 year Falkens are becoming every day less trustworthy, then now might be a good time.
Even more I am in complete confusion as I like all models mounted on P38s ....

Anyone has some set that wants to give a away from a reasonable price?
Any condition, as if they need a refurb I will deal with it. Preferably without tires (less bulk and weight).
Must be delivered somehow to Dartford in Kent.

Lacking options, as an alternative, I am lusting after these, but I got no way to take them from there ....
Anyone has Triple Spoke on their cars? I have very rarely seen them on P38s, mostly on late D2s ..

Posts: 8165

My Ascot is on Triple Spokes.....

enter image description here

The everyday is on 16" Futura.....

Posts: 162

Very nice

Posts: 220

Gilbertd wrote:

My Ascot is on Triple Spokes.....

enter image description here

The everyday is on 16" Futura.....

Richard, do you find a significant difference in ride quality between the two! Mine rides on the 18” Hurricanes and, for the majority of time, the suspension copes admirably well except for rutted and broken surfaces where the air suspension can’t filter out the resulting ‘vibrations’ and I’ve always wondered if the lower profile tyres on 18” rims might be part of the problem.

Posts: 8165

The 16" do ride a bit softer due to the higher profile tyres. As the Futuras were only fitted to base model cars (and ones that were ordered to a weird spec by a police force), they are only 7" wide rather than 8" on all the others and take 235/70x16 tyres so the 70 profile may make a difference too. Having got used to them, I bought another spares or repairs project car on 18" wheels and commented in my local indy that the ride felt harder. The reply was you want 18" for looks and 16" for comfort. I've also had light vibrations through the front, particularly after crossing a tarmac join in the road surface. That was down to the rubbers on the bottom of the front shocks having perished so weren't holding the shock securely.

Posts: 672

Mi winter are 235/70 and while the looks are not the best on the P38 compared to the 255/65, it is a softer ride indeed.
Your indy is correct, looks are better on the 18" ... although not that much either: look at the pic above, the 16" has a chunky sidewall which looks proportionate and purposeful, while the 18" has that shopping cart look due to the thin sidewall ....
I am still wondering if worth the trouble (and cost)...

Posts: 672

Been a while ... as mentioned elsewhere, sometime in the near future the lady will have to go ... but way before that, I've got stuff that I will really not use/mount, or it will not add value when the time to sell comes.
If any of you guys want anything, chime in! I will dig in my records and see how much these things costed me, I do not want to speculate, if I can recover the expense I'd be happy.

All items are in near perfect or vgc, I struggled to get the best stuff I could find in the years of my lovely dreamy P38 adventure:

  • set of pic nic tables for the front seats, Lightstone, no cracks or other damage (*)
  • steering wheel, Lightstone/wood, control buttons in vgc and all labels visible
  • glovebox in leather (might have been some autobiography thing), Lightstone, complete
  • under-steering wheel cover in leather (again, autobiography thing?), Lightstone, got the screwcaps as well
  • full set of mats (not the rubber ones), original, Lightstone
  • chrome gear knob selector surround
  • Gear Knob Selector in wood, I actually got 2, one OE very good, one made with some wood finish non OE but vg
  • set roof rails (longitudinal ones), complete with cross bars and all the rubber "feet" intact (*)
  • set of headlights RHD in vgc (*)
  • security case that goes into the boot on the right-side (*)

Items with (*) I actually got them from Phil which many of you know from here, his things are top condition always!
I will add more stuff as I unearth it from the mess I've got in the garage. To avoid overload the forum, I will send photos on request. Can ship to most places, I got some preferential rates to the Island if case comes.

Posts: 342

As this is the “official” selling section I’ll mention that I will be selling my LINLEY P38 soon….
Would rather it go to an enthusiast so I’ve only advertised it here and on RangeRovers.net.
I’ll probably put it on Bring A Trailer in 2nd quarter….

Posts: 781



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91510 United States

worth a shot ..........

Posts: 781

I need to start cutting back on some of my intended projects and also make a bit more space in the garage.
I have a complete used M51 diesel engine for sale. It is the later type with the plastic manifolds. Mileage I think is around 140k.
I also have a brand new M51 block and pistons and some timing chain bits. Both come on brand new h/d engine stands.
Also a bare diesel head that has been skimmed and pressure tested and a top tailgate in silver.

Posts: 49

JMCLuimni wrote:

As this is the “official” selling section I’ll mention that I will be selling my LINLEY P38 soon….
Would rather it go to an enthusiast so I’ve only advertised it here and on RangeRovers.net.
I’ll probably put it on Bring A Trailer in 2nd quarter….

Posts: 49

Do you still have the Linley for sale ?