The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2448

HI all,
I thought I'd get a spare set of EAS gubbins so I can rebuild and swap instead of leaving the Duchess sitting on her arse while I build motivation between steps.
So I bought a semi-dodgy looking set (non rebuilt but allegedly tested good) with the intention of swapping it in to see if it's working, then making a decision. If it doesn't work I've a decent shot at a return as it was described as working.
However, the exhaust looks to have been blowing white powder for some time. Assuming this hasn't been used by a Colombian Cartel to make deliveries, I'm guessing this is dessicant from the dryer.
Should I just rip this thing to bits now, or would it be OK to hook it up to the vehicle and see if it works in the current state? I'm slightly concerned about potentially pushing dessicant through the rest of the system.

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Posts: 8165

At least the desiccant dust is dry so the only thing it will harm are the innards of the valve block not the pipes or air springs. As a temporary fit, bung it in and use it. However, had you asked, I've got a completely refurbed valve block with tested driver pack and the best NRVs I could find sitting here that I did for someone but it never got delivered so came back.

Posts: 2448

Wow, how much is that worth then? :)
I paid £200 for this one....

I've just stuck my finger over the exhaust hole while the pump was running in the EAS that is fitted - no leak there. I'm wondering what it is that lets the back squat overnight (evenly between both sides) and make it take ages for the suspension to pump up in the morning. EAS does show the "System is losing pressure" warning, which is both blatently obvious and non-specific!

I'll stick this on and see what happens, I'll go through the one that comes off and see if there is anything wrong. Thanks Richard!

Posts: 8165

Blimey, I'm too cheap, I was asking half that. A guy on the dark side wanted it but he was in Germany, so to prevent problems with customs charges, I dropped it off with my step-daughter in the Netherlands to post it from there. Told him it was on its way and he said that he was working away from home but his parents would take it and I suggested he warned them it was on its way and it was packed in a box that had previously contained a satellite TV receiver (only box I could find that was the right size and strong enough). When the German post tried to deliver it, his parents refused to accept it as they weren't expecting anything and thought it was some sort of scam where you accept something and then get invoiced for it. He asked if it could be sent again but at that time it was still somewhere between Germany and the Netherlands and the idea of wasting more money sending it only for it to be refused again, seemed a bit pointless. It eventually made its way back to the Netherlands and she bought it over when she came here a few months ago. So its well travelled.....

Any leak from the exhaust won't allow the back to drop, it will allow the output from the compressor to go straight out of there so it would never rise in the first place.

Posts: 2448

Hmm, well - the new box went in and while the pump ran and the clever bits talked to the Nanocom, it never raised the car. I suspect the pump isn't great. I ran it for 12 minutes with the boot open and hoped I'd see the car spring up when I shut it. Nope, not a sausage :( I still couldn't feel anything out of the exhaust.

Posts: 8165

I thought after my reply above that by EAS box you meant you were swapping the lot and not just the valve block. Lift the pump up off its mounts, disconnect the blue pipe from the pump and put your finger over the end while it is running. If you can't keep your finger there to stop the air coming out, it's OK but I bet you can.....

Posts: 2448

I did swap the whole kit. Yes, time to test the pump. Will it EVER stop raining? Rugby practice cancelled today due to sodden pitches so I have some time spare today.

I do have a seal kit for the pump, I should look into guess badly knackered my "seconds" are. I think I've got one that is completely toast and maybe one I haven't looked at. Plus the two I swapped over yesterday... Do you have any recommendations on how to bench test a pump?

Posts: 8165

I've got a length of the hose that originally went from pump to valve block with one union cut off and a pressure gauge on it. Put that on and run it for a second or so and it should achieve the best part of 200 psi before it causes my 10A bench supply to trip out. +12V to the Green wire and -ve to the Black, don't put anything onto the Orange wire. Just putting your finger over the end is a good indication though, if you can hold your finger on it with the pump running, it's toast.

Posts: 2448

Well, that was interesting. Both pumps are knackered, the one I just bought is more knackered than the one I took out. I went looking for a set of O Rings and see what pumps I had to refurb. 1 pump in bits with a badly scored bore, one that is in "as removed" condition and one which turned out to be brand new.
So I swapped in the new pump and same results as before. She's still on the bumpstops, even with a brand new pump. The pipes going into the side of the EAS block are all airtight according to a wet finger test so I think there must be a nasty leak somewhere else. Last step for today will be to swap in the original driver pack/solenoid block which did at least get the suspension up to height with a weak pump. Hopefully that'll get her driving again.
There's still an underlying fault somewhere that is causing the rear suspension to collapse in a couple of hours. I'll have to crawl around again, but sod that in this weather! I don't want to regard compressors as a disposable resource....

Posts: 2448

Not sure what this green powder is... can't be good?

enter image description here

Posts: 2448

Well, she's standing up again!
new pump, old driver pack/solenoid block. I failed to tighten the blue pipe sufficiently the first time - I wonder if that was the issue when I tried the new pump with the "new" driver/block. Hmm.
I'm goingo to leave here on standard height overnight and see what happens..

Posts: 2448

I left her in Standard overnight, and she was still drivable in the morning. It took a couple of minutes before she came up to full height.
There's something leaking, somewhere but she's driving. I have the X8R kit for the valve block sitting on the shelf. I should probably get on it.