The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1141

Just incase anyone here has missed this post hidden in the announcements on the lpgforum


LPG Forum is closing - August 2018
I am sorry to say that this forum is going to be closing down at the end of Augist 2018. I no longer have the time to maintain it and it is desperate need of a refresh, updating, and have steps taken to ensure it complies with new data regulations.

This forum has served the LPG community for a very long time and there is so much information on here so it would be a shame to see it lost. I am going to look at ways that I can create an acrhive of all the posts and keep them on-line for reference purposes.

The other LPG forum is still operating though I have no idea how active it is. The web address is http://www.lpginfo.co.uk/forum. This was setup a number of years ago by a customer who had, had a bad conversion experience who felt that lpgforum.co.uk was being biased, hence the title of the website.

Thank you to our moderators for their stirling work over the years, and of course to the members from the trade sharing their invaludable experience.

Posts: 8165

I think Damian lost interest in it a long time ago and since the likes of Tubbs, Rossko and Classicswede stopped posting it seems to be just me, you and Simon on there. It has been very quiet of late although there have been the odd posters popping up with questions (I'm currently exchanging PMs with a guy with a Yank V8 running a Millennium that is having problems). Most of the time, it is Simon that gives advice and that's about it.

Posts: 1141

Yeah I noticed its gone dead quiet over the last year, Dai occasionally pops up, but usually to respond to something posted. Think Rossko stopped installing as the associated website disappeared, same with Tubbs think hes stopped as well.

Posts: 8165

Rossko's company stopped doing LPG conversions so he was no longer involved although I never worked out why he stopped posting too. The knowledge he'd built up over years of working on LPG systems won't just disappear and he helped me no end when I bought my first LPG car (an old Saab 900) just in identifying what was fitted and how it worked. As you say, Dai will appear very occasionally but not on a regular basis and Tubbs disappeared off the face of the earth. No idea what happened there, he used to call in at mine for a coffee and a natter on his way back from picking stuff up from Tinley Tech, great bloke. His wife had a baby and shortly afterwards he split with her then just vanished. No reply to emails, his landline phone at home went dead and his work and personal mobiles both became unavailable. Shame really.

Maybe Simon should take over the forum and run it.......

Posts: 805

Just as an aside, since it's non-commercial it does not need to do anything for GDPR, same as this forum. Just as long as you're using industry best practice to minimise the risk and impact of a data breach, there's not a whole lot you need to do.

Do you want to create a section for LPG here, and migrate everyone across?

It would be good to get a dump of the old lpgforum database so it doesn't get lost forever - there's a lot of good information on there.

Posts: 1141

gordonjcp wrote:

Just as an aside, since it's non-commercial it does not need to do anything for GDPR, same as this forum. Just as long as you're using industry best practice to minimise the risk and impact of a data breach, there's not a whole lot you need to do.

Do you want to create a section for LPG here, and migrate everyone across?

It would be good to get a dump of the old lpgforum database so it doesn't get lost forever - there's a lot of good information on there.

Would sound like a plan if its possible, might be worth speaking to/emailing Damien to see whats possible? Though do you want all sorts of questions on vehicles other than Range Rovers?

Posts: 1083

Creating an LPG section here would be a great idea IMO!

As it seems quite a few if not all the RR on here have the systems fitted!!


Posts: 805

It's no bother to create a subforum for it. Someone else will have to run it though :-)

Posts: 1371

I'll be up for getting involved and taking it on if possible, I'm in Cornwall on holiday at the moment but will look into it on my return. If I did, who'd be up for being a moderator?

Posts: 805

Boom, done. Suggestions, moderators and category titles please, in PM if you prefer to be discreet ;-)

Posts: 1327

If you just need someone to get rid of the nastys then I don’t mind moderating it,
Obviously I’m not clued up on giving advice.

Posts: 1228

I get the need to save the useful info on the lpgforum - but is a lot of it that relevant to the P38?

Or the LPG forums here going to be primarily for RRs?

Posts: 2448

I think it's a mutual interest, and both P38 and LPG users are becoming scarcer as DI petrol engines take over.

Posts: 8165

With the longevity of the P38 you're hard pushed to find anything as old on the roads these days. Most similar aged cars that are still in use tend to be Volvo, BMW and Merc, all favourites for an LPG conversion so there is more overlap than might at first be obvious. There's two ways of looking at it, a Range Rover forum with a separate LPG section for all vehicles would cover the mutual interest or the two should be kept separate. Then again, Pistonheads started as a TVR forum and has now become a general car enthusiasts forum (in theory at least although from some of the posts on there you begin to wonder if some posters have ever actually opened the bonnet on a car). As it happens Simon has already approached Damien who has run LPGForum for years and enquired about taking it over so our new section that Gordon so rapidly added may not be needed anyway.

Posts: 1371

I wouldn't want LPGforum's continued existence to be a negative for this forum but don't see how it would.
A wide range of vehicles and LPG systems are discussed on LPGforum, it's probably unlikely that someone with a different make vehicle would Google 'LPG problem' and click on a link that contained 'RangeRover / P38' wording. It would be good to bring LPGforum clicks/posts back up to old levels - before it became very difficult for people to become members.

Posts: 1141

gordonjcp wrote:

Boom, done. Suggestions, moderators and category titles please, in PM if you prefer to be discreet ;-)
Good stuff now just waiting for the first post!

Is it just me, or does opening time now not mark posts as read after they have all been read? The other sections work fine, but that one (in this section) always shows unread posts even when I've read them all, clicking mark all read seems to clear it until the next time.

Posts: 805

Yeah, that's weird, that started doing that when I added the LPG section. Let's see what happens if I turn that off...

Edit: ... and now it's back to normal. Hmm.

Posts: 8165

It's always done that for me, not just on Opening Time but on all forums. Read the posts, click refresh to make sure nothing new has come in while I've been reading then click Mark as Read. Probably something to do with different browsers or operating systems.

Posts: 1141

gordonjcp wrote:

Yeah, that's weird, that started doing that when I added the LPG section. Let's see what happens if I turn that off...

Edit: ... and now it's back to normal. Hmm.

Not here it isn't! It was normal upto the weekend, think it started playing up then?

Richard's setup makes more sense, but its only opening time it happens on for me.

Posts: 1371

Just to let everyone know...

It's doubtful I'll be taking over LPGForum. Damian has said he's had a few offers besides my offer and would rather not let it go to someone with commercial interests... which I can fully understand and agree with.

I'd rather not be involved really because involvement would come with claims of biasing the forum to favour myself, so I'd be shooting myself in at least one foot by taking it on even if I was only paying bills and letting others do all the moderation etc. But rather that than see it and all it's content disappear... I have a vested interest in LPGforum continuing due to the content I and my customers have put on, if nobody else is going to save it and I have a chance to but don't I'd be shooting myself in both feet!

It may end up going to nobody because Damian has concerns about his responsibilities with new data laws and hints at thinking he could get in trouble for passing it on as it is, he's hardly likely to get involved with making changes himself before passing it on. If I were involved (and part of my reasoning for my offer to Damian) I would get my son involved to sort the forum out, he's well placed to do that.

The best outcome from my point of view (and perhaps from most LPG users point of view) would be if someone else took it on who doesn't have any commercial interests (other than perhaps advertising none LPG stuff), someone who allows as much free speech as Damian would be good..