The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1081

How much range should I expect from my tank..

I'm guessing it has a max capacity of around 75ltrs

From a 75ltr fill i'm getting around 185mi

That sound about right?


Posts: 1141

I get around 360 miles out of 120 litres on a 4.0 Disco 2 at best. Yours seems a bit low, but that could be down to driving conditions. Mine is lower if its used round town or on slower roads than if its used on the motorway.

Posts: 1352

75 Litres is 16.48 gallons.

185 miles from 16.48 gallons is 11.23 mpg. Which could be right if driving is around the doors, or would be low for a 60mph constant steady cruise on the motorway.

Mpg much depends on the driving conditions. If you're stuck in a long traffic jam and leave the engine running the whole time you could achieve 0 mpg, if you drive at 120mph you might get 4mpg.

Posts: 1141

You run on petrol often enough from what you've said - presumably under the same sort of conditions, so what sort of figure do you get from that? Thats probabbly the best comparison your going to get, somewhere around 20% less if comparing like for like used fuel in litres should be around what you'd see if its running correctly.

Posts: 8062

My tank takes 65 litres for a full fill and I get anything between 180-190 if used for short runs around town and 220 on a 75mph run. Best I've ever managed was 238.

Posts: 2441

185/75= 2.46 miles per litre on the Orangebean scale which I'd say is a little low, but everyone drives differently and if you're smashing the throttle these V8s will take pretty much all the fuel you can throw down their necks :)

I usually get about 2.7 on day to day B road commutes (against the clock) and up to 3.1 on the motorway on cruise control at 75mph.
That's broadly similar to GilbertD except for his freakishly good best figure (3.6) which I guess is something to do with the 4.0 vs 4.6. Or maybe he had a sail up :)

Posts: 8062

More likely it was due to running on Continental gas which is a Propane/Butane mix so you use slightly less and it was through Germany and Holland so decent roads, no hold ups and I was in no hurry so cruising at 65-70 and not my usual 75-80.

Posts: 1081

Filled it up again at a station in Bromyard and I got 233mi from it, running the tank empty a slightly more restrained right foot helps matters!

Posts: 8062

That's more like it......

Posts: 1327

I’ve still got a full tank after 18 months of my lpg giving up, lol,, done lots of miles using liquid gold

Posts: 383

I know LPG is cheaper than petrol but 233 miles on 75 litres is 14 mpg. I get that around the city on petrol and 21 mpg on the freeway at 110 km/h.

Posts: 1327

I’m just thinking back to when mine was working, I was averaging 14-17mpg on gas, and I’ve got a heavy right foot

Posts: 2441

Marshall8hp wrote:

I know LPG is cheaper than petrol but 233 miles on 75 litres is 14 mpg. I get that around the city on petrol and 21 mpg on the freeway at 110 km/h.

MUCH Cheaper than petrol!
MPG is a silly measure as fuel density varies a lot. Petrol weighs about 0.75Kg per litre but LPG weighs about 0.51Kg/Litre.
The more useful measure is Miles/£
If we take petrol consumption as 3.5 miles/litre that costs £1.20/3.5 = 34.2 pence per mile.
If we take LPG consumption as 3.0 miles/litre - we get £0.64/3 = 21.3 pence per mile.

Irrespective of the volumes consumed, in the UK you save over 1/3 of your fuel costs by driving on LPG and those are very favourable figures for Petrol as I generally pay under 55p for LPG which gives me 18.3 pence per mile.

Posts: 8062

I'm paying 58p a litre compared with supermarket petrol at £1.10 a litre, or filling station petrol at £1.16 - £1.20 a litre, so half the price. So 14mpg on LPG gives the cost equivalent of 28mpg if I was running on petrol, about the same, if not less, than running a diesel.

Posts: 2441

Almost.. but that doesn't account for the fact that you'd burn about 10% less petrol if you were using it.

Posts: 383

Hence my comment. StrangeRover is getting 14mpg on the road, I’m getting 21mpg, I.e. 50% better economy.

I’m not saying running costs are less on petrol, we all know they are not. But I’m not sure they are as great a saving as some feel they are. What would you consider a reasonable time to depreciate the LPG installation cost, as that should be taken into account. Say £500 year over 4 years for a good multipoint system?

We are pretty used to fitting and running LPG here. You have to appreciate that Australia probably has the highest density of LPG cars in the world, against the number in the total fleet. It has been a common fuel here for 50 years and every service station carries LPG, or at least it is rare to find one that doesn’t. If you have LPG fitted to your vehicle in NSW, then your annual Pink Slip inspection (what you would call MOT) can only be done by a specialist LPG MOT station as the whole LPG system is gone through annually as part of the vehicle safety check.

Posts: 548

you forgot one small thing David , the installation costs in Australia, last i checked it was around 3500 dollars with a government discount . with the cost of petrol and the price of the gas its not something you will ever recover your costs . gas in Aust should be the cheapest in the world but we pay more than the open market price for it thanks to the howard govenment . then it has to be checked and the tanks replaced etc, all extra costs . the savings are just not their in my opinion for Australian cars.

Posts: 1141

It may be as much down to the area that StrangeRover is in - Herefordshire is very rural and somewhat lacking in decent bits of road. It also greatly depends how cheaply you can buy LPG for - Theres variance between stations I use of 52.7p-69.9p. Quite a difference when your buying 100 litres.

Posts: 8062

From my presence on LPGForum.co.uk, I know an LPG system in Oz costs a lot more than here so it will take much longer to save the initial outlay. A decent quality multipoint here will cost around £1500 to install, about half that if you buy the component parts and install it yourself but obviously, either way, you need to do the mileage to make it worthwhile. Or, you buy a car already converted, purchase price will be no different, somebody else has taken the hit on installation costs and you're into an immediate saving.

StrangeRovers 14mpg doesn't appear brilliant but with the price difference in fuels his cost equivalent price against running on petrol still makes his car cheaper to run than your 21mpg. Coupled with the fact that from my point of view, running LPG allows many European countries to categorise me the same as a hybrid for their low emission zones is a definite bonus and the cleaner burning fuel results in less wear in the engine too. What's not to like?

Posts: 1307

When I was doing some decent mileage in the RR - I would get 75-76L into the tank, and around town I would get between 190-200 miles from a tank, depending on whether it was short hops around the city, or slightly better runs with less traffic, some dual carriageway etc.

On a full motorway run, when I would travel to Windsor and back a few times a week for work in October (ok, so 2019 was the last time I was doing that) I managed 243 miles on a tank - twice... it cut over to petrol at the same roundabout.

My best ever was about 256 miles out of a tank, but that was all motorway driving about 70mph, pretty constantly.