Marty and I had a textathon last night to work out whether it would be a good idea to have a "Camp" again, but with the aim of replacing Radius Arm Bushes on our P38s.
Marty is happy to host us at his workshop again, which is very generous and is a better option than my house because he has a press (essential) and some air tools (probably very useful).
The proposal would be to find a date in March/April when we could do a two day weekend and plan to get everyone's bushes changed by Sunday afternoon. Whether that would be done as an end to end job or a production line like the Headliners we can discuss later.
We reckon on everyone buying and bringing their own parts, including new bolts etc so that we don't have any emergency parts runs on a Sunday! And pooling whatever tools and expertise we can to make the process as slick as possible. Hopefully the hopeless folks like me will learn some skills too.
I guess the first question is: Who would be interested in changing their Radius Arm Bushes?
and the second one: Exactly what parts and tools do we need to achieve this?
As you know, I'm not a mechanic so I'm really just throwing this out to the experts while offering to help, cook and gofer in exchange for getting my bushes changed with everyone elses. I'm keen to get underneath and wield an airgun though, that sounds like fun :)
As I understand it, the struggle is taking the arms off rather than putting it all back together so we should be able to avoid having lots of Range Rovers in bits on the Sunday afternoon :)
So what do you guys think? Is anyone interested?