I can relate to the insects, on one trip through Poland we went through a swarm the size of small birds with a shell like a flying beetle. Went with an almighty splat against the windscreen and wipers and washers stood no chance.
Anyway, today, preparation for the Ascot MoT tomorrow while Dina got stuck into cleaning the interior of Cherry, the name she has given to the Rioja Red new one. Seeing the state of the interior she was dealing with, I thought I'd got the better end of the deal.
Did a bit on it yesterday as it would fire up on petrol on all 8 but when cold on LPG it would only run on 6 which told me that one of the ignition coils was failing. Replaced them with a spare set of coils someone had given me years ago and it fired up instantly on all 8 on both fuels so I figured all I had left was the cosmetics to at least make it vaguely respectable. Started off by putting the suspension on High and blasted the underside with Screwfix degreaser, left it for a couple of minutes and then rinsed it off with the pressure washer. Then dropped it down to Access and started on the rest of the bodywork. Pressure washer to get the worst of the bird droppings off it, then Snow Foam and a soft brush to get the rest of the muck off (and the green on the roof) before rinsing it with the pressure washer again. It actually started to look respectable. The wiper blades were completely shot but I had a pair of nearly new Bosch ones in my car from when I took them off to fit the Aero blades as the ordinary ones were freezing solid and not wiping in Latvia in December, so put those on it. Checked that the washers worked and they did, so about all that was left was the lights.
Switched the sidelights on and none were working, no little green tell tale on the dash either. Dip and main beam worked as they should but sidelights are mandatory for the MoT so I had to get them working. Checked at the BeCM and I could ground the requisite pin and the sidelights came on. Checked on the wire from the switch and no ground with it in the sidelight position. Faulty switch then. Fortunately I had a spare light switch which I'd found the other day when looking for the aspirator for Nigel I thought I had but didn't find. Fetched that and started taking the dash apart to swap the switch. Now the dash only went back in a few days ago as it has an intermittent distribution blend motor problem. As the book showing on the HEVAC isn't an MoT fail I thought I could leave that until any more serious stuff had been done. So out comes the dash, switch out, plug in the new one and still no sidelights. Checked continuity between the switch and the BeCM and there wasn't any. Somehow, a single wire (at least I assume a single wire as everything else seems to work) has broken somewhere in the loom between the dash and the BeCM. Chopped it off at both ends and soldered a new length of wire in. Checked it before putting it all back together and I now had sidelights, so the dash went back in (again).
Final check, LH rear sidleight bulb blown and one of the side marker indicators was a bit feeble. Pulled that out to find an amber bulb (as it has the 2000 style clear indicators) that was just about managing to light but only just. Pulled it out of the holder and the wire terminal broke off the bulb. Bugger, don't have a spare, so put a clear bulb in so the indicator is a dirty white (from the moss growing inside the lens). I'll find out in the morning if the tester takes exception to it.....
However, this is nothing to what Dina has achieved.....
As I mentioned previously, the interior of Cherry was absolutely disgusting. Filthy and full of dog hair everywhere (even inside the front passenger seat belt buckle). I took the centre console sides and gear lever surround off and took them into the house to clean them in the sink while Dina started with the drivers door panel. Her theory was to start at one side and work her way across to the other before getting stuck into the back.
This is what all of the door panels looked like.....

and the carpets......

But this is how the first door panel came out

Door panels and dash plastics were done with Auto Glym Vinyl and Rubber cleaner, while she used Vanish carpet cleaner on the carpets and other cloth bits. I'll get some more pictures later as most of the front of the car has been done now. The filthy seats have come up pretty well and the pillar trims were taken off as the flock covering had turned black with mildew, so the flock was cleaned off leaving the shiny plastic underneath. It looks so much better already and Dina reckons she's still got another full day to get it all done.
Peterborough, Cambs
- '93 Range Rover Classic 4.2 LSE, sold
- '97 Range Rover 4.0SE, in Oxford Blue with a sort of grey/blue leather interior sold as two is plenty.....
- '96 4.6HSE Ascot - now sold
- '98 4.0SE in Rioja Red
'98 Ex-Greater Manchester Police motorway patrol car, Range Rover P38 4.0, in Chawton white - the everyday car
All running perfectly on LPG
- Proud to be a member of the YCHJCYA2PDTHFH club.