The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
247 posts

Lots of bolts on these things are overly long.
Is it an option to mole grip the other end and unscrew the broke bits that way?

Thinking about it some more, aren't the two nylon pipes with the return bends either side of the radiator/slam panel, connected to the rubber hose off the fog lights?

It's been a while since I've had the bumper off but I think there are two tubes per lamp, one drains moisture and the other is a breather to let air in, stops them fogging up.

Loose hoses could be off the fog lights.
Front bumper removal is easy really as they never seem to be rusted up like the rears.

Guess? You probably have to link the wires together?

The door hinges can wear and drop which causes binding on the door striker.

I've taken the exterior door handles off before to fit new cam kits and door cards to replace speakers so that part is familiar at least. Thanks. I think I need a couple of spare latches to have a go at fixing first so I don't end up stuck. Am I right in thinking all LH and RH latches are the same on all years except, I think, connector blocks , which is easily sorted. Might be thinking about door mirrors though!

Is it a faff getting the latches out? I've got a back up vehicle, 110 defender, but have to use the 38 quite a lot as my father in law is poorly, sort of nearly end of life poorly and I regularly have to take him for scans etc, he can't get into the 110, p38 is ideal on access and the leg room. It'll be a job for the warmer weather anyway, just trying to get an idea of how long it would take to remove the latch , clean it up a bit and reinstall. I'm handy with the tools , keen amature if you like!

I'll happily wave a flag of support for a YouTube video!
My switches are notably troublesome as the temp drops too. Around freezing, non of my interior lights work when either front door is opened, around +2 degrees the front passenger still doesn't work but the drivers one sometimes does but is sluggish.
+5 degrees passenger still no go but drivers is instant. Only on a hot day does the passenger light work and even then not always. Almost like they just want a clean to fix but it's never as easy as that I suspect!

nigelbb wrote:

Gilbertd wrote:

nigelbb wrote:

AFAIK no P38 seat has an inflatable lumbar support.

Yes they do, all of them with memory seats and possibly those with electric non-memory too.....

From the owners handbook

I knew that my Vogue has memory seats with adjustable lumbar support but didn't realise that it was a pneumatic inflatable thing. I thought that it was just moving a solid pad. I got my seat adjusted just how I like it years & years ago, stored it as Memory 1 & haven't adjusted the seat for many years.
It's unusually cold for Brittany at present (down to -5C) so I will wait until it warms up a bit before investigating seat wiring.

Maybe it is a moving pad? I've only moved mine twice in 3 years , I just recall a whirring noise and assumed it was a compressor.

I use my lumber support, great for my lower back pain. Some kind of compressor down there, I can hear it whirring away.

That's up to date with the current options in 2025?
I know marty was the man but no longer able because of work I believe.
There was a guy on hear who claimed to make or made a printed adaptor to take readily available micro switches but went awol .
I've seen a guy called rezremaps based in Portugal iirc, anybody used him?
I haven't really got an issue at the moment just an occasional sticky switch for the interior light drivers side and a non functioning same switch passenger side .

Curses! Forgot to leave the gap between quote and reply, again...

Lez wrote:

With Regards to water appearing in wheel wells ..my experience turned out to be me and valet staff with an over zealous power wash lance ! its fair to say the seals are a little 'soft' to cope with such water pressure..also I noticed when sat in the car at the car wash, drips coming down from where the headlining meets the window after the chap had given the windscreen top lip cover a good blast ! looks like the sealant has failed ? anyone with observations and solutions welcome.

Windscreen side trims off, 4 screws each side. Get a stiff thin paint scraper and tuck it behind the top trim, starting at one end, standing on steps helps, slide the blade to the passenger side (rhd) to release the clips, go steady, the trim is thin alloy and will kink if you lift it too high, lifting it a bit as you go will help you see the clips. Remove the roof rail inserts and throughly wash the now exposed areas. The sealant cracks in the recess that the inserts fit in especially near the front. So seal them up and around the windscreen too.
Putting the top trim back on is a bit more fiddling as I found. Enligning the clips with the studs then using the blade again, slide the clips the opposite way to clamp the trim tight.

He decided to carry on the investigation at home rather than come over to mine but during a phone call he found no issues obvious with the wiring, ohms were low with everything unplugged so the gone to ground thing was a red herring. Plugged the hvac back in and everything is working again he says. He has an aftermarket radio so I've suggested he pulls that out and check for an iffy red/white wire there before he puts everything back together ready to go back to work around 2pm today. My thinking is either whilst looking for a chaffed wire he has moved a dodgy connection enough to resume power back to that red/white wire OR the after market radio is pinching it .

Pete12345 wrote:

But does the RW wire show a real short to ground, or just the combined parallel resistance of the bulbs in the clock, fascia, switches, instrument pack and radio ? . . . . . i.e. zero ohms or a bit more ?

Rave shows the splices S209 & S210 in the diagrams but un-helpfully not where they are located

Oohhh...bit above my pay grade that one.
I didn't read the ohms just listened to the beeepp. It seems logical and easiest for the splices to be behind that upper panel but who knows.

Drained the water out of the spare wheel well, thought I had cured that problem, knocked out the bung and fitted a blank grommet in the hole with an X cut in it so water hopefully drains out and road spray won't easily get in. The metal looked bad but a whizz with a flap disc in a grinder showed it was rock solid so treated with anti rust paint then zinc rich primer. I'll top coat it in the correct silver at some point. We've had a bit of rain since this and it's dry still in there. Maybe more rain will show it isn't or maybe it was the jet washing it had a few weeks back that's overwhelmed the seal.
Had a new windscreen fitted too after a crack appeared.

Finally got round to spending a couple of hrs on this before lack of daylight stopped play..
All bulbs were blown but not a simple fix today as they still don't light up. No power on the red/white wire at c244. Looking at the wiring manual that wire also feeds the top switches and clock illumination so looks like an issue up behind the top facia somewhere as all that and the clock all light up.
I also discovered that the red/white wire at c244 (unplugged) bells out to ground!
If I'm seeing this right? That wire is chaffed through somewhere after the top switches but before c244. I'm not very good with electrics but I do find it interesting.
More play tomorrow hopefully.

I don't use anything, bit of spit on the air lines when reinserting that's all.

It looked clear to me at the time when I typed it, read your reply, read my post again and yes, I agree, nobody could work out what the hell I was asking lol!
OK...my friends 2001 hvac bottom row button illumination is temperamental, sometimes they lite up, mostly not. Points to a dodgy connection on the multiplug on the rear of the hvac. He struggles with free time from his job and would like to know which terminal or wire colour he needs to look at to repair at that muliplug. Being quite new to 38s he wasn't aware, neither was I, that online electrical rave stuff is out there, I've just downloaded that but also purchased a paper copy of both that and the workshop manual for us both to share. They won't come until next week. Trying to read the manuals on a phone is frustrating but that's all we both have until the paper manuals arrive.