Do if it says lh and rh reversing bulb failure on dash it cannot fail for that
I'm trying to sort reverse light issue but car getting MOT on Monday if I havnt sorted issue by then and remove reverse light bulbs I know it won't fail for them not working but is thevbulb out warnings on dashboard a failure for reverse bulbs?
Gilbertd wrote:
Marty ( but he is about to go to New Zealand for work so won't be around from next week onwards or Callrova ( in Brighton.
I have messaged callrova thankyou
Thankyou bud Iain said 8 days ago he was gonna test another becm and put my software on I asked him earlier on update, he read message and never replied
Gilbertd wrote:
If the sunroof mechanism is broke so it doesn't close properly, a common way of stopping it from constantly saying Sunroof Not Set is to tell the BeCM that the sunroof isn't fitted, then it doesn't check to see if it is set or not. That's the same bloke that does the dodgy aftermarket keys. There's two people I would trust to work on a BeCM and he isn't one of them.....
How close is closer, there's quite a few people with a Nanocom scattered around the country.
Who is the people you trust to work on BECM buddy because I'm getting run around or ignored now
I've ordered the 1 on net, must be worth a try
Well I had to go to a and e with eldest all the way there it stuck on hot, coming home its cycled to cold and stuck there again so its bloody moved and stuck lol
Maybe I should by the 5 pin 1 and try that
Thanks bud I've cyled car a few times since I put blend back and its still not moving so for now I've left it set on hot for winter, I did see another one online with 5 pins I wondered if I should buy
OK I rewired the motor and just to make it interesting the motor has 5 wires but the cables in car had 6, the extra cable was like a cream colour but there was no cream colour cable on board in blend motor just white, red/black, brown, white and black also the large motor in passengers corner behind glovebox doesn't always come on when it should, give glovebox a dunt and it does lol
I will rewire tomorrow and see how it goes
Ahh right because I never hear it doing anything when its turned on
Potentiometer I just got it lol oooops lol
I'm feeling stupid because I can't see any pot in it lol, and it all looked good inside and moved freely, connect battery to motor it works in both directions and flaps are not stuck at all
I didn't know it needed calibrating, I've managed to repair old ones cables and its motor still works I will put it back in place and rewire cables into cars wiring but I think closest nanocom is 90 ish miles away
Odd thing though is apply power to motor it works as does the flap so not sure why it want working
1 on car I cut had 5 1 I bought has 2
The feedback pot in replacement blend motor is empty, should it be?
Replacement motor turned up today and tested on battery works both ways, slow and steady lol
I ordered another working motor of eBay its not arrived yet but I was gonna swap them out then I could look at 1 removed see if it could be salvaged as backuo