The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
371 posts

Well, That's basically what I have been doing since Day 1 and on through all 6 P-38s that I have had.
Now, I am dealing with commutators that are knackered and cannot be cleaned up any further.
I am afraid that any used one may have the same issues......
PaulP38's page has a Thomas retrofit. Seems like a fair swap, and about the same money for the Thomas 327 as the
"Dunlop" which, is pictured everywhere with a black body and a friendly yellow "Dunlop" sticker.
Didn't know if that was a Thomas or not.

Well, I seem to have pretty much run through all of the possible combinations of parts from 4 compressors to make good ones....
My 2 Frankenstein units are going OK, but I don't trust the stator on one of them.
So, I am going to bite the bullet and buy at least one new unit.
What is the latest bestest compressor to buy? Thomas 327 and retrofit? Viair? which one?
OEM Dunlop branded??
Next question is from where? Anyone got a lead on good pricing?
Rimmer seems to have the lowest on Dunlop even with shipping.....
Any advice is, as always, greatly appreciated!

Another small success!
When you posted that several wires had fallen off, my thought was....
"And what else has stopped that you had not detected yet"?
Cutting out those connectors and soldering is just about a requirement
On these things 20+years on.
Needs to be listed as an expendable wear item!

Where are you?
Mine are oe but with over 200k miles, it's just a matter of time......

Before you go too far down that road, (pun intended)
Are you positive that it is not an bad U joint? These things can eat them quickly if you do not lube them regularly.
Lube at every oil change would not be too often......Have you ever changed them?
To check, Get all 4 wheels off the ground and get underneath and check the UJs for play.

In my recent experience, I have had hard faults that have illuminated all 4 lights on the switch and vehicle on bump stops and have found only the unknown fault message. Clearing it puts things back in order, so probably not a random report.
Next time I get a chance to use my main computer, I will ping BBS and ask.

Does anyone by chance know if they have fixed the issue with EAS where it determines there's a fault, but displays "unknown fault" or something similarly
I mean, there's a fault, it knows this, but doesn't know what it is?
And, of course, you can clear it.....odd?
Been meaning to drop Collin a note........

I believe you have hit the nail on the head.
Ethanol in the fuel will produce more water vapor than without.
The moisture is probably just sort of cleaning out the small amount of soot in the pipes and when it gets to the outlet, the water is evaporating and leaving the carbon.
I have seen this at a friend's house where he backs into his finished garage.
When he starts in the morning, black water spatters his clean white Wall.
Tailpipe has the black stains as well.
I would not be to concerned unless you are using coolant too?

The new valve body and controller seem to have addressed the odd valve twitching behavior......
As for the compressor stalling? It turned out the rotor had a shorted winding, and 1/4 of the motor had pretty much stopped working.
This gave me a very lumpy power delivery and caused the compressor to jump around.
SO, I put in my "Good Spare" compressor which worked for a couple of days, then started exhibiting the same
Jumpy behavior!
I thought that it was VERY unlikely that both of them had the same issue, and I was correct! The spare had an
intermittently sticking brush, so would run fine for a bit, then bog down and rattle like it was possessed!
I cleaned the commutator, and put a bell end with good brushes on, and it is now sweet as a nut!
In the last week, I have repaired more DC PM motors than I have in the last 40 years!
Starting with a totally fried armature in the motor for my Davit on the boat, then the anchor windlass wanted new brushes.
Of course, all the motor dramas were on the Missus car, so that got priority!
Seems all good now, so will take it for a couple hundred mile spin tomorrow.
Going to bring the known good compressor from the 02..........I am not completely silly!

Problem solved!
I swapped in a spare valve body and controller module and the issues have vanished!
The compressor did have one of the tightest piston seals I have seen, so I had put it on a bench supply
and ran it unloaded until the current draw got reasonable before the initial install and tests.
Road tested, and watched Nano for compressor run time. Probably only 10% duty cycle if that now. Happy!

I made a test rig and checked the suspect pressure switch against 2 others and found
that it was not closing. Gave it a tap, and got it to operate, but it was very intermittent at 150-160Psi.
Bad switch would certainly account for the 2 compressors trying to jump off their mounts when the pressure
went too high.
The original valve controller also seems to have an issue, as when it reached the target height, it cycles the
RH front valve about once a second.....again intermittently. It has been tagged!

The EAS Compressor on the wife's 99 was reported to be making a lot of noise, and indeed it was....
So, I swapped in a rebuilt pump, and thought problem solved.
New pump does the same thing.
It seems like the pressure switch is not operating and the compressor is jumping around on its mounts and struggling.
Tried sending it to access, then back to extended height, and compressor seemed happier. For a few minutes.
One of the valves is ticking constantly once it gets to height. Wife took mine, and nano is in it, so just guessing right now.
I have a spare valve body, so will swap it out. See if the issue changes.

+1 on NAS cars having an EKA.
I don't know where this one got started, but I have looked at over
2 dozen cars with nano and have yet to find one without an EKA code.
It is true that most are 1515, but not all.
When I had Dr Scott from the dark side unlock mine, I recall him telling me that
I could change it if I wanted to as 90% of the Becms he worked on were 1515.....
If I recall, only in Australia is the EKA not used?? Please let me know if that is not true.

I had this issue for a while, and when I went to tackle it, I discovered that I had a bad bearing in the right front hub.
This allowed the wheel to wobble ever so slightly under a certain set of conditions.
This wobble was enough for the reluctor to just nudge the sensor far enough out that it was too far away.
I had been chasing the issue as a bad sensor and tried several, all of which fixed the problem temporarily, then
it would re appear. Try giving each one a tap to re seat them, and see if it solves the issue.
At no time in my 6 months of troubleshooting did the Nano ever report an ABS or TC error, so I was really baffled.
Simple check, is jack up each wheel and give the thing a good wrestle in out and side to side looking for any play.
I was astounded at just how bad the bearing had become with no other symptoms noted aside from an occasional
slight wobble I put down to road surface or tyre issue.
Good luck!

Aloha Marty
No problem on waiting for the zebra strips. it's coming into the warm and dry time here, so it should work fine.
You seem to have enough going on for the moment!
If you remember, let me know when you get back to NZ.
Or, if you prefer, I can ping you later........
Oh, I went out and counted the DSP amps.....I think they must be breeding in their dark cabinet.
I seem to have 4 tested good.........Probably should flog off a couple......

Aloha Marty,
Got any HVAC Zebra strips left?
I could probably use 4 of them.....

I have been following this with interest, and serious Kudos for getting it going!
Now......You seem to have come up with a somewhat universal translator, so can it be used to fit
a quality, but lower cost replacement for Bosch?
The genuine Bosch MAF is available, but big money!
Also there are so many fraudulent copies out there that getting a genuine one can be a challenge!

Gotta love the easy fixes!
If anyone really needs a rear motor, I have 2 that I do not need. Both work fine.
(I am North West coast of US)

+1 on the possibility of a Disco amp.
And yes, if it is not a DSP (Digital Signal Processing) amp, you only get the front speakers.
So, if you do find the black box up top behind the sound insulation behind the subwoofer box, post the part number.
I had the dead DSP amp issue,(twice!) and did the disco amp thing on my 02 then started collecting any
DSP amps I came across in wreckers yards. Now, I think I have 3 spares! Worth having for the great sound!

Remember, you actually did two things:
First, you swapped the relay, and second and probably more importantly, you wiggled and jiggled (technical terms)
the fuseboard base.
Possibly just a mildly corroded socket, or perhaps a sign of a failing fuse box?

Over the years, whenever I was at a breakers yard, I would grab as many of the windshield clips I could
successfully remove.
When It came time to replace my windshield, (Frozen branch at 60mph) I first insisted to my local shop that I wanted a genuine heated, tinted Pilkington part, which they got from RR. I then printed the section of RAVE
describing the procedure and gave that along with a bunch of clips, and a set of good used top and bottom
trim pieces to the installer.
With all of that, they nearly got it right, and I only needed to re fit the top trim to stop it vibrating at above 80 mph.
Nice to know the top clips are still available.