The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
720 posts

That's a great idea Marty but June may be a tad premature (as early removal of Lockdown could trigger a second wave)...

Whilst have to admit I have stuff to do on mine I am going to use the 'stay' on MOTs to do it later too !

September... maybe ?

Simply a matter of Land mass / Population size Kultur; The US is 40 times the area of the UK but only 5 times the Population...

In some parts of the US I have driven for an hour or so in the without actually seeing another vehicle (and not just on trails) !

That's quite a saga Marty, and in fact you could probably make your own musical out of it; "A Kiwi in... er....well every-bloody-where" ?
Quite a schedule too, and like others said above I just can't see the show happening again in May/June either.... as you may know
the West End (and lots more) is basically closed here 'until further notice'.

But you are back and reading this and the news now of course.

Tough times ahead for all; Take care / Stay safe everyone (and AVOID Ibuprofen)** !


**EDIT: In case you are unaware, Ibuprofen can accelerate the effects of COVID-19.

This may have been an issue in Italy: Take paracetamol / aspirin / diclofenac instead

(Interesting story Richard, indeed the "just throw parts at it" methodology rarely works yet folks still do it - and main stealers actively encourage it...)

Hi Leo, Not sure if you resolved your blue/green dot alarm issue but searches on " YWY500170 P38 receiver " etc will reveal more evil.....
and you may well have also/probably realised have the Green Oval/Evil folks want c.£350 from us to resolve their bad design....

mad-as: " i have also wondered if the original side steps with all the plastic molding hold dirt and go rusty?"

Yes to both, but easy enough to repair with some 32mm steel square section; Rubber lifts off so you can replace rusted sections and weld it up....
Bolts to chassis with captive nuts though (seized solid - of course - bad design - so best to drill out and use a single bolt right through)

Unfortunately the step spoils the looks of the truck but kids etc find it useful getting in/out....
Also acts as a 'bump guard' in car parks (although I am well past caring about that now !)

Guessing he still means the 'DB9F' (Serial) connector Richard (?)

John: Not sure where your CD/Cable/adapter is from but see e-bay item 113941252453 as it should be the same (?)

-the cable 'simply' goes from ODB to DB9F which plugs into the (blue) Serial/USB adapter/cable.

Yes, it can all be a bit 'hit and miss' as far as the PC assigning a USB for the comms (ie. the adapter) is concerned......

" Surely it must be possible to buy a cable that is OBD to USB? "

No, it isn't... As already indicated OBD uses 12V - USB uses 5V.

The software expects (ie. was written) for a Serial Interface. If you don't have one on your PC you have to use a Serial/USB adaptor as per the link etc also posted in #28.

"The French did me for 89 kph in an 80 zone and the fine is €360!!" - Sacre Bleu OldShep that's dire.....

Whilst I have been stopped a few times now in E. Europe on a whim with a made-up fine for a made-up 'offence' it appeared to be 'negotiable'
(and the locals thought it perfectly fine for the traffic cops to do this too..)

> Interestingly, these two topics are very much linked. The ID card proposal was seen as a way to control illegal immigration, back in the days of the Home Office stacking applications in the basement and turning a blind eye. I'd argue that the seeds of the discontent that eventually resulted in the Brexit Referendum started to germinate about that time.

Good Grief (for real) Morat, did not see your post before I posted mine but we actually agree on something... It had to happen eventually !?

One of the reasons ID Cards were rejected of course was cost... £600M; ie £10 each: Considering the actual 'costs' to the Uk (and the savings made in other ways) it would have been money well spent !

Well I suspect 'the control of our borders' is a semi-metaphorical but broader phrase Richard: It all stems from the problem that emerged ~ten years ago of course - due the disparity between official and unofficial migration (again not helped much by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodie_Clark -He got a gong in 2010 and then 'resigned' in 2011 because of extremely lax controls.... You may recall that the numbers applying for a NI number were almost three times the offical immigration figures. The idea of an ID card for the UK was first seriously mooted in 2006 but rejected in 2010 too...

Anyway my comments about biometrics were partly based on my discussions with plod, who waste a huge amount of time dealing with the fact that drivers they stop don't have a licence, or they have 'borrowed' one..... Similarly test fraud: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38645864 These problems could be eliminated by the Test Centre taking biometrics from those bing tested of course. In the US they take the photo/fingerprint in the Tesing Office too..

IMO we should be required to carry our Driving Licences and/or ID in the UK too of course. I would not want to carry my Passport with me everywhere. Incidentally I first encountered smart ID cards in Spain 20 years ago that also contain any 'special' medical data (conditions/medications) in case they are needed by ambulance folks attending an incident/accident who have the card readers for this purpose etc. "Human Rights" activists seem to get quite twitchy about al this obviously.... and I had better stop there before I start on unregulated CCTV Monitoring, Internet Tracking etc and mandatory/statutory DNA testing for all !

The ending of the "pet passport" scheme is rather sad, especially as they were not allowed to vote.... ! However I suspected 'they' were all "barking up the wrong tree" with numerous 'now-we-are-leaving-the-EU issues' too (Sorry !)

Fair points Richard and thanks for the link: Yes, the French are really keen on theri on-the-spot-fines of course (although I have had a few similar situations in countries where easy-to-spot rental cars (and unnofficial "tourist taxes" - IMO) have been involved..!

Think you are also right as far as odd/random vehicle checks at Dover etc are concerned - and that's what helped us to get into this mess in the first case of course... (For those interested google "Brodie Clark" and why he was pensioned off). Being (more) controversial it is about time we also had biometrics on our Driving Licences too; eg. Photo/fingerprint taken on issue, like in the US (?)

Gilbertd wrote:

You've only just realised the possible ramifications of lots of misguided people voting for something they had little information on and even less understanding?...... etc ?>

Of course not Richard, anything but (and I am annoyed too) but indeed I am now 'looking forward' (from 2021...) to being in a queue at Customs with confused folks who maybe don't have the requisite Green Card, Insurance Cert. and IDP ....! ?

In fact I went down to the PO to organise an IDP yesterday. I also just found out however that I could not get a Visa on-line to visit a (certain) non-EU country because we are (or will) no longer be in the EU and so have been recommended to make an application in person at the Consulate instead.

Overall I have now started to think that leaving the EU "simply" means lots of queueing.... and I won't even comment here on the so-called "epically likely' deal !

Reading those convoluted Goverment 'Guidelines'/links I admit i did not even realise you could have a trailer with a different Reg. Number to the towing vehicle, so at least I have learned something new from them...

I am also with you Brian on paper Ts&Cs - now requested - as I don't want any more 'on-line surprises' with my insurance either !!

Then perhaps it would help if you posted that info. up on here Brian if it is useful: As indicated mine is full of 'mights' and 'maybes' as clearly they are now not so sure just what will happen this year (either) !

EDIT: My insurance actually renews next month (and so covers into 2021...); Accordingly it looks like they may well have incorporated elements of

'One to watch' !?

.. never seen so many 'ifs and buts' as on my insurance renewal info post-Brexit, "Green Cards" are back etc, and including:


....not to mention:


Does it open OK from inside Brian ?

-if not it sounds like a 'Superlocking' scenario; Frank has the original 'brabyn' files on this for reference if not familiar..

The "bed liner" you mention is fairly similar to the 3M 08861 coating I have used mainly as a 'stoneguard' on sills
(If unfamilar it is a thick textured black coating: Very viscous. and so applied with special gun/compressor)

-It takes a while to cure/harden but can also be overpainted if needed after some weeks (in warm temperatures); Have also sprayed it into sill voids...
most notably the types where the manufacturers deiberately terminated the sunroof (A-pillar) drain tubes within....

Not used it on a P38 (yet) though....

Probably because they were such an expensive P38 accessory; £500/pair and crossbars another £250 from memory !!

As bolt stated they have a a rubber gasket; One of mine perished and I just made a repalcement from rubber sheet.

A Nanocom could be used to turn off the "passive imobilisation" so the BeCM has no expectations for the fob to (RF) transmit to it when the key is inserted.....?

(ie. Frank could have a duff fob or receiver -as Richard already indicated-... but with 'passive immobilisation' disabled he would then have to use the key to enter/start but not the whole EKA routine each time ? )

+1 on not cutting a hole with the tank in place......

If you really must cut an access hole it is best to do that with the tank not there......
and even then it is not easy to get most tank-pumps out unless it is BIG hole.

As for hearing if the pump is actually running a 'listening stick' should help !

Frank you could also get a (basic) key fob tester on e-bay for about £20

('Basic' in that it only tells you if it is actually transmitting as the LED alone can't be trusted)