Morat, Did you actually read the above ? It's not about ME (and it's not about BT either) !
Anything on topic to add or do you just specialise in the odd one-liners ?
“Oh no, Greta’s on a boat. She is being hypocritical as it needed energy to build it etc….” Ok so let's ignore all she says/does !
What next ? “ She is on a bus, no, a bicycle...... no... wait .... she is breathing and producing CO2 ?...... “ OMG !!
"Oh no, she is being 'extreme'.... and so people are taking note and researching facts for themselves and re-thinking their lives How Dare She ! "
Who said she was a 'prodigy'... or a 'messiah' ? (oh and it was not me...) Nice to see God and Christ getting a mention too... should we pray ?.....
It seems she is the Devil Incarnate !
As stated she is an ACTIVIST, and a very good one at that !
You guys can certainly be irrational when you are rattled ! What’s the problem - have you finally realised that cars like the P38 really will be eliminated over the next 20 years (or something) ?! _Not _Threatened ? You are apparently shivering in your proverbial boots….. at least judging by some of the associated ‘rationale’ about her which is getting bizarre too: Sex, tin hats, What next ?....
And clearly you would like it to be but it’s actually NOT about Greta (and it’s NOT about me either). It is obviously much broader than that (but we haven’t seen any proof from you about that of course, just personal attacks on folks and other random stuff…)
Incidentally no similar nasty ‘digs’ about David Attenborough meeting his demise on a boat ‘in a storm’ or being a ‘bitch’ ? How very disappointing !
At risk of other snide remarks I remember city smog: Thick, acrid and you could not see a yard in front of you. It was caused by burning coal of course. Pollution these days - Carbon and Nitrogen Oxides, and/or particulates - can’t be seen….. but it is there, and it is toxic….
Speaking of which:
“ Kettering and colleagues' development of leaded gasoline ultimately caused the release of large quantities of lead into the atmosphere as a result of the combustion of leaded gasoline all over the world. Due to the neurotoxic effects of lead, leaded gasoline has been widely banned since the late 1990s. The development of Freon using CFCs has been implicated in the depletion of the ozone layer. But during the first half of the twentieth century, most people, including Kettering and his colleagues, did not appreciate or fully understand the environmental degradation potential of their work. They were convinced that the lead concerns were negligible. They were not aware of the ozone layer depletion at the time. It took decades for the lessons to be learned. “
No... wait..... none of this is 'new' and so it should also all be ignored
I do look forward to your further rude/misplaced criticisms chaps !!
Good point Morat: Then maybe i should buy some more for distribution at their schools/colleges so they can also gift them on to their parents too ?
In fact I will even offer to 'present' the facts at their schools (after all I have been a Scientist myself for several decades now)... Perhaps i will use this
as a backdrop:
.... and add these links ! :
Thanks Harv, Well Said ! That's the main point here of course: We don't have to agree with all CC activists but it reallyhelps to understand why they care enough to try to make a difference for 20-30 years hence..... ! They are simply considering their Children's Children....
Oh no. these ideas really are not 'new'..... !
" Her ancestor on her father’s side is the Nobel Prize winner, Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius was a Swedish physicist and chemist who received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903. He is known for myriad scientific contributions but it was his discovery that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide increase the Earth’s surface temperature. That finding led to the conclusion that human-made carbon dioxide emissions cause global warming. "
Thanks guys, due to your criticisms I have just orderedmany copies of her book of speeches ( I mentioned above ) for all my friends/neighbours with kids as Xmas gifts ! Looks like Greta's words are not only fit for the present but also fit as presents !
No Bolt, that's exactly where you got it wrong by mis-qouting me as though I was referring to column inches elsewhere
although I believe I paraphrased what you said reasonably accurately.....
And then you did it again (!), I was specifically talking about Greta's 'unusual' views and you decided to make it about all CC 'ideas'
and what the hell does Al Gore and his book suddenly have to do with it all ? ... And is he the only source ?
We could go on all night like this of course: Wait...... Diesel's ideas were "not by any stretch of the imagination 'unusual' " and etc....
Unfortunately he met his end in a watery grave, you know, the one you unpleasantly implied earlier that Greta should encounter !
Anyway, how about you go and talk to some of these kids yourself ? You may be surprised and learn something new/unexpected...
and it might be better than your 'amusing' (and uhelpful) troglodyte reference (but feel free to try it on them too) !
No Bolt, I did not say that.... you did: Column Inches on here - obviously !
What's that - 'solutions to problems are complicated'; Really ?
The real issue here is that you, Richard and Lpgc seem threatened by a kid with some unusual ideas; Go figure !
Being serious we have our own Trump-like idiots-in-charge here now (who can also only see as far as the next election); Boris of course and his sidekick Gove: A man who famously plans to save the Earth by banning Plastic Straws and Cotton Buds; These twerps are, unfortunately for them, totally transparent to kids !
For these kids (and I have spokem woth a few now) it's not about ideallology - it's actually about culpability - and the Politicians who somehow don't get that !
What ? : She is drawing attention to CC and yet she gets heat (pun intended) because of her parents ?? Then she is even better at getting folks to take note than i thought !!
Nice try - and only another X million kids to similarly rubbish !
Guessing you don't like my Musicians analogy much either. But paradigm shifts in all kinds of fields really do occur by folks who think differently....
Wonder how Diesel was treated by his parents ? If only they had seriously discouraged him !
_"At the age of 14, Diesel wrote a letter to his parents saying that he wanted to become an engineer. After finishing his basic education at the top of his class in 1873, he enrolled at the newly founded Industrial School of Augsburg. Two years later, he received a merit scholarship from the Royal Bavarian Polytechnic of Munich, which he accepted against the wishes of his parents, who would rather have seen him start to work. "
And Greta's 'Column inches' increase some more......... and to think she could just be worrying about the Kardashians or some such garbage !
and..... speaking about Cars Dashing I was very impressed withe the rate of accelleration of these EVs compare to ICE...
but then started to wonder just how long it will be until some Sports Personality wraps one round a lamp-post.
On one of the links above they were stating that an EVs life was about 8-9 years (!!) but then 'the batteries could be used for other things' ... (??)
Similarly according to Audi the 'Charge Time' in the 'near future' (for some of their vehicles with special batteries) could be down to 8 minutes.
Not sure these batteries will last 8 years if you do that all the time though..... maybe its just lies.... or Market Hype.... (same thing)
But if they just keep overstating the case like that it will, for sure. come back and bite them on the ass....
Yes, I noticed that 'fly by wire' technology feature and winced too. It remined me of when Saab sold cars based on the fact that they made fighter aircraft too, somehow forgetting that potential customers with airforces all over the world might wonder about buying planes from a carmaker....
As for Greta...... for just a kid she is certainly generating a few column inches on here !!
That's the problem when folks start thinking/acting differently of course, it upsets the Status Quo; If only The Beatles, Elton John etc etc had been made to conform more by their parents then the whole world would be a much better place ??!!
Same with ABBA, how have their 100M+ Records made the World better ?? (In keeping with the Swedish theme, of course !)
Speaking of Swedish things this is clost to what i expected the Dyson EV to be like:
In fact Lpgc most of your 'idle speculation' appears to have been innacurate .... or did you not actually read her Wiki entry (again) ?!....
Patently not, or your Aspergers comment would not have been made either.... She's simply not your 'standard' 16 year-old-kid....
How many others do you know who have been considered for a Nobel ?
Here's a problem for you though "You May Say/Speculate That She's A Dreamer - But She Is Not The Only One ! "......
I am not going to presume to reply to your further questions/speculations to her either: Send her a note, post the reply up here...
You'll See Lpgc !!
On a more general note however the 'microphone on' remark relates to Politicains hearing .... but not actually listening.....
and kids have (finally) noticed this too... and not just because eco-warriors like her have pointed it out either !
Interesting choice dave3d; Diesel AND Electric; God knows what the 'authorities' will do with that ! Keep us posted on developments
'Common Platorm' build is quite common now of course: If not a rude question why not just get the Volvo version ?
Yes, there are still EV Manufacturers who think (kids) 'pester power' will work as far as hybrid/sales are concerned.....
Did some more research on this, specifically:-
... but it is going to take more that a Smart Phone App. to convince me it is 90K well spent....
Not sure I would really want to drive_ this _through a stream/ford either :-
Back (more) on track:
No need to speculate (negatively/inaccurately) about Greta Lpgc, Just Google her !
And you do know she has Asbergers, right ?
And I read this book yesterday: A collection of her speeches:
"Is my microphone on, can you hear me" ?....... indeed
Yes a kid but a Smart Kid ; Watch Out !
And, finally, I would much rather listen to her than our so-called 'leaders' who (far too often) sound like spoilt/stupid kids....
Well Greta did'nt get a Nobel Prize so she, and the millions like her, are free to not 'calm down' either !
And surely we have to admire kids willing to get 'arrested' for their beliefs.....
Maybe The Chinese will be the first to devise Fusion Reactors too; In the meantime they are quite happy to supply the World With PV Cells of course..
and EVs.... and..and.. but Dyson was supposed to be developing a 'solid state battery' but failed so maybe The Chinese will be first with that too** ? .
In the meantime:
As we know Richard our Politicians really are not very good at "thinking things through" .... I suspect some jumped on the EV bandwagon as it provided a solution to the Diesel/NOx mess they caused and thought it would be a 'stimulation' to the Car Industry (and it may well have been if the EVs were not so expensive still and 'suitable ££ encouragements' had continued too....
That said there is a market for EVs but mainy for town travel....(?) HIghways/Motorays less so...(?)
It just that the Chinese will be making most of these cars (apparently) !
Do they still have steam trains up there Harv ? Just joshing but yes there are too many unexploited fossil fuels still in the ground...
In the meantime it looks like Greta Thunberg is heading for a Nobel Prize (?)
Maybe Dyson read this thread ?
or this:
Slighty sad, but presumably their marketing people were not prepared to mislead this time ?
Besides, I really wanted to see these on the roads:
" **The main tech innovations in Dyson’s breakthrough EV (now mothballed)
1) Solid-state battery
Although based on lithium-ion tech, the pressurised liquid electrolyte is replaced by a thin layer of non-flammable material that acts as both the separator (keeping positive and negative electrodes from coming into contact) and the electrolyte (allowing ion transfer to happen).
2) Safer than liquid
Lithium-ion batteries typically run at 35°C, demanding complex cooling for EVs, and both Tesla and GM’s batteries have suffered fires. To extend their service life, the batteries should never be fully charged or discharged. Solid-state batteries don’t suffer from these problems.
3) Clever motors
Dyson’s digital ‘switched reluctance’ motors benefit from excellent packaging and mechanical design, says Wilson. They offer good cooling and thermal performance – which is key – while aerodynamically efficient rotors, that are quiet and cool, minimise losses.
4) A question of scale
With brushless motors already 90+% efficient there isn’t a lot of headroom for Dyson’s digital motor. It will have inertia and thermal challenges if scaled up to car size, on top of losses generated by electric fields in the rotor. Using a series of laminations reduces these losses.
** "
Impressed with those tiny Radial engines Bolt (albeit a bit pricey). Also takes me back to my youth (spending days with balsa wood etc to build model aircraft that could get trashed in seconds colliding with a tree..) Lots of R/C planes seem to be going electric though too.... although not because of pollution.
On refllection I think Dyson used the word "digital" because "brushless vaccum' sounds wrong ?!
-Don't think these particular techniques can be scaled up in order to propel a car though.....
~100k RPM might be good for a model plane however !