The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
739 posts

Oh no, ICE-pwered vaccum cleaners...... but will I have to pay the ULEV charge to use it in London ??
Looks like you could get wealthy using it though:


Been familiar with Digital Motors for a while: The first one I encountered was the Direct Drive Strathern Turntable (1973); This had 'two states' in more ways than one..... notably when started it could turn in either direction (!); Oooopps.... Background for those interested (and some BL info. too) :-


Knock on ? Well they knew adding lead to petrol (because of knocking etc) was a bad (unhealthy) idea for a long time of course....

... but I suspect the more recent problem was when they started to use ECUs, Hegos etc (as well as the Catalytic Convertors) to remove other pollutants.. Again you will be aware that a push for (standardised) OBD followed (although the Car Manufacturers did not like it that much - of course: How could they (over)charge for Diganostics/repairs then etc etc ? )

Yes, Dyson are just using a gimmick.... it if really were a 'digital' motor it would be off then on then off then on etc ?? Maybe it is, in a way (but I know what you mean). Presumably digital means "magic" to many consumers (whereas I tend to think it just means "unnecessarily complicated / expensive to repair". ? Maybe they will even have a 'digital turbo motor' in their EVs (or some other hype/nonsense) ?!

Ok, I considered this some more and I am (again) leaning towards:


Any 'UK' company that manufactures abroad, can get folks to buy hair dryers for £300 (when you can get something nearly as good for £30 must be onto something. Hmmm... all thanks to 'digital motors' ? ..... what's next ? Digital batteries.?... "2020" ?? Well I forecast somthing the size of a Smart Car , £50K and purple... and around 2025.....

Realise you are just being a bit provocative there Richard, but, whilst we are bringing back lead, can we also bring back coal too as I am getting nostalgic for smog and steam trains.... and maybe these folks won't notice (?): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Air_Resources_Board

As mused numerous times before perhaps the answer was (is ?) for cars to be built to last 20 years.... and don't even get me started on 'scrappage schemes'... Our scrapyards are full of cars only ~10 years old..... aka "beyond econonomic repair".... why, exactly ?

Overall I wonder how many Politicians actually understand how ICE works..... or if they simply just prefer to listen to lobbyists instead ?

Edit: I have decided to cover my roof/garden etc with PV cells - just in case
Maybe I can get a Govt. Grant to pay for this if they are so 'green' now ....?

That's what I said so I don't think an extra 'exactly' helps Richard !

What concerms me is - as we know - just what an easy target motorists are 9which is why I mentioned 'indirect taxation' a few posts back.
The Councils I deal with tell me (eventually..) that Central Government have made such deep cuts now that they' really don't have any alternatives but to make up the shortfall elsewhere'. Bad signage seems to be their main 'tool' in that regard, CCTV being used to monitor those places and then issuing Tickets at £50+/pop. (The cameras are 15K..... and these places often raise £500K/year in fines.... !!)

Overall 'simply' I wish they (Politicians) would be more up-front about their motives/rationale but that's not how they operate of course... as they can, just about see as far as the next General Election, promising The Earth but then delivering a pile of manure.... (and The Kids are onto this like never before)

How crazy is it when an outgoing PM makes some 'statement' about us being 'Carbon Neutral by 2050'.. when she will be in her 90s !
How crazy is it that any of us believe all the 'promises' anyway ? Oh no, I can feel it all coming on now... How Dare They !

Thanks for your detailed explanation about converting Black Cabs Lgpc: Overall then (longer-term) it may well be better for owners to take that paultry £10K grant towards buying an 'Alternative Fuel' vehicle after all (?)

  • Know what you mean about Councils though: "Lowest-bid / false economy" is how they usually operate (and badly).

Whilst I can understand the growing NOx problems etc in the bigger cities clearly some other towns are currently (or will be..) using this as a revenue-generator scheme of course, using pollution as their primary excuse....

Ok, so a question aimed (mainly) at Lpgc:

As you will know via LPG conversions London Black Cabs can have their 'lives' extended from the 12 years being proposed back to 15....
Q: Is it worth it ?


All this talk of salt water etc is making me wonder how big a sail I would need to do 50mph..... although the 'tacking' against the wind could be a problem of course.... but at least that could qualify as 'Dual Fuel' then for the ULEV (indirect taxation) charge ??
Anyone got map of London showing routes without low bridges ?
(Just recalled James May and his Triumph)

And the problem wih Hydrogen as fuel is we would have to modify our engines extensively (eg. '50% more expensive') and then only get '50% of the power'..... ? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_internal_combustion_engine_vehicle )

Hmmm... then suppose I have a big (folding) sail made of PV Cells instead and an Electric Motor ?......... Err........

Back to Wiki:

UPDATE: Lidl are now doing Electric scooters @ £300
Too bad they can't be used (legally) on the road......

So will just sticking a "Hybrid" badge on my P38 cover me for it then ?

Better mention this too, even though (ominously) 'the first one won't be working until 2030':
(but at least they had the sense to change their 'pitch' to 150.000 homes though......?)

Accordingly they have already 'thought this all through' though.........eg. https://www.uknuclearsmr.org/

Fortunately their very-specific "62,857" figure made me think/realise it was an April Fools joke too...

There are several other weird things that don't add up either StrangeRover (and I had my first doubts when they stopped the Government Grant)....

Speaking practically however I have examined the part of the (underground, ancient, pre-plastics) 'National Grid' cabling around here that was exposed for repairs and spoke to the man in the hole, and asked how many cars he thought it could be used to 'speed charge' their batteries...
His considered answer was '5-10% tops'.... and now I suspect we 'The People' would thus have to pay for 'suitably upgrading' it ?!

'Unfortunately' StrangeRover the days of Governmental 'majority rule' are apparently over or at least temporarily suspended....... and by 2040 many 'Gretas' will be in those Governments: One of the 'hidden benefits' (if there are any) of Brexit is just how aware/politicised kids have become too....

There are a few non-ICE Commercial Vehicles in use here right now StrangeRover but you are right that if Diesel was such a problem then more would be converted, and quickly.... again Politicians can say what they like 2030/2050 etc but it is all just meaningless garbage (aka Sound Bites) of course ! London (Diesel) Black Cab Drivers can get a grant to change, but it is more or less pityful....

No Bolt, I didn't say/imply CC was wholly man-made (but I do get a bit twitchy when folks start with the Ice-age stuff and yes it makes for a good debate), but, and absolutely, kids are really smartening up to Politicians having a 'lmited shelf life' themselves....... and why ($$$):-https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/greta-thunberg-admonishes-world-leaders-in-furious-un-speech-1.4027750

Sorry Richard - missing words - " and I can't even drive my P38 in London this w/e already due to £25 ULEV...."
You might be surprised how many think it doesn't apply at weekends (or for that matter 24/7) .....!!
Not so concerned about businesses as they can claim/claw it back of course.

Don't think Clarkson really has much to say of use these days - unless it is based on his 'I am simply paid to provoke/entertain folks and pander to my fans' territory as Bolt mentioned..... and/but he did vote 'Remain' !!

In fact I have tried talking to concerned kids about reducing their dependency on Chinese products but they don't seem keen (at least if you can get them off their screens long enough to talk...)

We all will take note of CC at some point, presumably when Wall Street is under water ?

What irritates me about current car engine (ICE) are their tiny 'eco' red-hot-running multi-turba etc etc 'powerplants' that won't last 10 years !?

CC is Entertainment ?? Oh well... Take it you are a 'Climate Change denier' then Bolt ? The Media is only reporting what the majority of (distingished) Scientists now agree on: https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/

Even if there were a market/need for it there is virtually no chance of getting our V8s to run on Hydrogen of course, any more that they could run on Nitro (Glycerene) !

However there is a BIg Push for EVs over here... and I can't even drive my P38 in London already due to ULEV....

That said (but P38 DSE ownners don't read this) I could see much potential in converting all the (now 'evil') Diesel cars to Electric !?
eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGjOY4JBmy4

If you ask Electric Car owners why they have them they have some quite interesting reasons; eg. No Car Tax........ (yet ?).
One of the major issues is if you have a shunt - as the battery packs then need to be checked and that will cost ~ £1.5K...

First Electric Car I saw was 15+ years ago at Vegas, the Chevy Volt (and I think Musk just copied/improved that design ?)
...but didn't GM kill the Electric Car market anyway or was it The Oil Lobby?

Thanks for the useful Li-ion Pack link Bolt, it is interesting reading ! You are spot on in that all we do is shift the pollution elsewhere.......
but that's also what Politicians can do best too of course - shift the blame elsewhere, other Parties other Countries etc ?

That's an unkind notion Bolt but you do know there are many 'Gretas' and the momentum from them is growing, right ?!

Wait.... isn't the US the primary culprit for CO2 ?? No wonder all those CARB folks are so concerned....

LR already did an electric model of course, 'only' £250K..... and 'reasonably priced' hydrogen cars here are about £70K......!!
Hybrids are much more common but they seem to be a bit of a 'con' too if you're not just pottering down to the shops

Seems leased car sales are taking over from purchased (new) cars now Brian ?

Politicians have little or no idea about technology of course,which explains a lot too....!

It does not realiy matter if it is 11, 21, 31 years of course..... and even banning Cotton Buds and Straws etc is basically a 'joke'
but it gives us an idea how totally clueless they all are about it (and how stupid they believe us all to be for that matter ?)

Fortunately it's probably all Academic as there are now kids who are smarter than 'Presidents' (be they Trump or Johnson):-


ANY politicians making 'plans' that are 10+ years away (when they are so often long gone) are seriously 'full of it' (obviously).... How Dare They !!

Also I am never alarmed by any politicians making 'promises'.... if they actually 'add up' ! eg. Apparently we can all have more money for the police, schools, NHS etc etc £1bn for Electric cars and planting milliona of trees and we will pay for this with - wait for it - tax cuts..... !!?

Perhaps Dominic Cummings will decide we really all will be fooled again if these 'promises' are just written on the side of a bus ?

Maybe.... but unfortunately it is THIS bus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfWR0PeEnTM

“Hang on a minute lads – I’ve got an idea” indeed.... A precipice ? A slippery slope ?? Surely not .....
It's just The Self-Preservation Society !

I very much doubt he will get 55K, he is just deliberately using e-bay as an 'advertisement opportunity' for the car and any deals will be done 'elsewhere'... ? Not quite sure about the 'staging' of that photo with that wall of empty boxes though !

Excellent, you are probably right Ricard !

  • but they (possibly) pre-empted that and unceremonously ripped it all off/out first ! Onlya bit of the (Roja Red Metallic) cab was left....

Yes it's certainly a 'bit' contrived.... and I am sure they had to bring some 'external expertise' in to sort out that 'beep beep beep' for sure !

Times to complete the 'rock course' were Merc/"Toyota"/ "P38" = 21/17/12 seconds respectively

I did wonder what would happen to a 'stock' P38 on that course though !

Was on YouTube briefly (but quickly removed); If you don't have adblocker (but UK):
