The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1370

We all know that she cares about the environment Dave but that isn't the main point here. She isn't a prodigy, the environment may be the only thing she cares about due to her Aspergers. Even people who broadly agree with her don't have the extreme views that she does, including Harv and likely including you although you still haven't answered with whether you still run your V8 yet?

She has brought nothing new to the table, just repeated the same messages but if you feel the same as her you should buy all her books and distribute them to schools. Money won't buy you anything if the world is underwater so you have nothing to lose.

Posts: 2448

Here's some more science!

I need to make a 4.6 stroker for my Jeep! You can get kits that give about 10.7:1 compression.

Posts: 8156

davew wrote:

The real issue here is that you, Richard and Lpgc seem threatened by a kid with some unusual ideas; Go figure !

Go figure what? I'm not in the slightest threatened by a kid that has some ideas that the world is going to end and constantly screams that something must be done about it without actually having any answers to what should be done about it, other than changing the lifestyle, living conditions, eating habits and everything else we all take for granted. Christ, if she was old enough and experienced enough to have discovered sex, she'd probably want to ban that too. Think about it, all that heavy breathing generating extra CO2, the heat generated by two bodies raising the air temperature, not to mention the extra electricity needed to put the bedclothes in the washing machine.....

I feel as threatened by her as I do by the nutters that paper their living room walls with Baco foil to stop the radiation from a mobile mast half a mile away from frying their brains.

As Bolt has pointed out, she crossed the Atlantic in a boat that created zero emissions during the journey, while she conveniently ignores the huge carbon footprint and emissions generated in building it.

Posts: 741

“Oh no, Greta’s on a boat. She is being hypocritical as it needed energy to build it etc….” Ok so let's ignore all she says/does !
What next ? “ She is on a bus, no, a bicycle...... no... wait .... she is breathing and producing CO2 ?...... “ OMG !!

"Oh no, she is being 'extreme'.... and so people are taking note and researching facts for themselves and re-thinking their lives How Dare She ! "

Who said she was a 'prodigy'... or a 'messiah' ? (oh and it was not me...) Nice to see God and Christ getting a mention too... should we pray ?.....
It seems she is the Devil Incarnate !

As stated she is an ACTIVIST, and a very good one at that !

You guys can certainly be irrational when you are rattled ! What’s the problem - have you finally realised that cars like the P38 really will be eliminated over the next 20 years (or something) ?! _Not _Threatened ? You are apparently shivering in your proverbial boots….. at least judging by some of the associated ‘rationale’ about her which is getting bizarre too: Sex, tin hats, What next ?....

And clearly you would like it to be but it’s actually NOT about Greta (and it’s NOT about me either). It is obviously much broader than that (but we haven’t seen any proof from you about that of course, just personal attacks on folks and other random stuff…)

Incidentally no similar nasty ‘digs’ about David Attenborough meeting his demise on a boat ‘in a storm’ or being a ‘bitch’ ? How very disappointing !
At risk of other snide remarks I remember city smog: Thick, acrid and you could not see a yard in front of you. It was caused by burning coal of course. Pollution these days - Carbon and Nitrogen Oxides, and/or particulates - can’t be seen….. but it is there, and it is toxic….

Speaking of which:
“ Kettering and colleagues' development of leaded gasoline ultimately caused the release of large quantities of lead into the atmosphere as a result of the combustion of leaded gasoline all over the world. Due to the neurotoxic effects of lead, leaded gasoline has been widely banned since the late 1990s. The development of Freon using CFCs has been implicated in the depletion of the ozone layer. But during the first half of the twentieth century, most people, including Kettering and his colleagues, did not appreciate or fully understand the environmental degradation potential of their work. They were convinced that the lead concerns were negligible. They were not aware of the ozone layer depletion at the time. It took decades for the lessons to be learned. “

No... wait..... none of this is 'new' and so it should also all be ignored

I do look forward to your further rude/misplaced criticisms chaps !!

Posts: 2448

Dave, have you beaten BT yet?
Do you still own a P38 yourself?

Posts: 741

Morat, Did you actually read the above ? It's not about ME (and it's not about BT either) !
Anything on topic to add or do you just specialise in the odd one-liners ?

Posts: 8156

Can I ask a simple question Dave? If you believe all of the, selectively researched, reports and consider that Greta is right, should not be ignored and we really must do something about it, WTF are you doing on a forum for owners of large, internal combustion engined, cars?

As said, there have been activists on numerous subjects over the years, some have affected things, others have grown up and realised they aren't going to change the world so have gone on to become normal members of society and just accepted things are the way they are. She may have made a few people think but she's never going to change the world. She's in the same category as the tin hat brigade, just she's managed to get a bit more exposure and credence.

and back on topic, zero emission by 2030, no bloody chance. Anyone that does even the smallest amount of research will realise that the amount of CO2 generated by motor vehicles is only a tiny percentage of that generated in total.

Posts: 1370

You've been asked whether you still run a P38 a few times by me and again by Morat but you've avoided answering on every occasion. Are our mics on Dave? lol.

The question is entirely on topic, you've moaned about politicians who give the impression they're going to take certain actions but then don't, one reason for asking you this question is to see how serious you (as a seemingly stout supporter of Greta) are about following up on Gretas advice. If even her supporters aren't going to act on her advice it doesn't seem she has much chance of achieving her goals. Is Greta's mic on for you Dave?

Presumably you don't want to answer because that would show even you don't agree with Greta's message of urgency, or maybe you agree with Greta but don't want the change of life that conforming with her ideals would involve (all hot wind, can't be arsed yourself).

Posts: 741

Richard/Lpgc: Did you two also read/understand the part where I said CC was not about ME ?

And what is it with you guys asking you own (highly loaded) questions and then answering them yourselves ? 'WTF' does that prove ?
What is the point of me answering, you have clearly “already made your minds up and do not want to be confused by the facts “ !

Unlike some I do not wish to indulge in my detailed life stories on here either ! (GDPR - remember ? c.11K hits on here...)

On the subject of "Mic being on" I have posted up several things (actually related to Zero Emissions 2030) without response, just the same old anti-CC/Greta stuff as it seems you are all too focussed on your ICE-Angst to reply (and there is really no point in taking all that out on me either)

Guessing that there is no-one on here actually under 40, but, and to repeat – yet again – go and talk to some of these kids and you’ll see !!

Posts: 8156

You want to get into politics, you seem unable to answer a straight question so you'd fit in fine......

Posts: 741

No, wrong again, I don't want to get into politics.... and I am not going to fall into your trap/s either !!

I know.... how about you ask me about CC instead of just spouting off about it ?!

Frankly.... as at no point have any of you said 'you are entitled to your own views Dave" there would probably be no point in replying to those either !!

That's an interesting thing about the "freedom of speech' as sometimes it seems to only mean "freedom to agree with the masses"...... Go Greta !

Talked to any of those kids yet ??....... and note it may help if you don't call them 'bitches' too !

Posts: 810

ooh - i'd missed all of this.

On the one hand i admired Greta's address to the UN, and take-down of the US politicians who tried to patronise her (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icKlNgLuqzU&t=3276s at 1 hour) - on the other we should be mindful that Greta's wikipedia entry is probably carefully crafted by herself/ her people. I'm not sure I fall for the "kid converted her parents" bit. Here mum is an environmental activist, and there is a lot of scripting/ coaching going on here.
But with all these folks, whether it's her or Extinction rebellion, they will be shown to be on the right side of history, even if they irritate the hell out of the rest of us in the meantime

Posts: 2448

There's one__ in .......


pub :) .......

Posts: 2448

Personally I'm neither for nor against Greta or any climate change activist. I think there's a lot to be done and we all need to address the issues. I don't care enough about Greta to bother researching her or to get upset by her claims.
On the other hand, I don't think that replacing fossil fueled cars with EVs is realistic or even desirable in the timescales being discussed. We're going to need to re-invest in public transport with the twin priorities of making it both ubiquitous and green. How the hell that can be achieved is not up to me.

In the near future, I'm pretty sure that fossil fueled vehicles will be taxed off the road or simply banned. I just hope that there's a viable alternative in place when it happens. Sadly, it looks like the personal freedom to take off in a vehicle and simply travel for the hell of it is likely to disappear* but if that's the cost of keeping the sea off the land I guess we'll have to pay it.

*with the exception of touring on a bicycle which is good fun, but not quite the same thing

Posts: 741

Good Grief romanrob/Morat ...... How Dare You inject some common sense into this discussion ? .....
romanrob; Know what you mean, including her Wiki entry (and also talked to someone German who had read the book Greta's mother wrote too)
"Right Side Of History" is an apt phrase too..... (and yes you have missed some 'fun' !)

Morat; (Assuming you are not just taking a pop at romanrob "There is one in every pub?" / Is that a reference to dartboards ....?)

  • FWIW: I agree with a lot of what you say there too..(!!) . but I (and clearly many others) are just sick of the platitudes of our Leaders who usually address all these issues in two ways:
    (Ignorance); "We need to look into this...." (and then do nothing of the sort...)
    (Mistruths); "We promise/pledge to address this by 20XX" (when we are no longer in power and so can just blame someone else...)
Posts: 384

Well, Dave,
There is also the third response, sadly, much more common, as it is that of the "Common Man" : The "Nothing I can do, so I will do nothing" response.
You seem to be slotting yourself into this one as you have steadfastly refused to answer the question on your personal V8 powered transport........
yet you have no issues with your strident criticism of those who do not agree with Greta and, apparently, your world views?.....Hmmmm....
It is all well and good to feel true passion on the subject, but "Actions always speak louder than words"
Wouldn't all the kids you talk to be much more impressed when you peddle your bicycle up to their school to hand out books and do your talks?
If just one old scientist started leading the next generation by setting the right example by having his petrol guzzling, nox spewing dinosaur
crushed into a cube and used as a coffee table, THAT would give you street cred! (you will need a good publicist too. Maybe Greta's is available?)
Oh, about those books.... Are those "synthetic ink on dead trees" type books? (pretty large carbon footprint)
......Should be downloadable Pdf form, or perhaps cuneiform on organic sun dried clay tablets?.......Just curious.......
Carry on Gents!
(howdy, Rob!)

Posts: 741

Oh dear.... and the 'idle speculations' are back... this time accompanied with 'subtle sarcasms' ! Sorry Bolt but I am really not going to take (unduly lengthly) advice on how to conduct myself in pubic - and/or talk to kids - from someone who seems to think it appropriate to suggest an activist perishes in a storm......

As for your 'old scientists on bikes' nonsense etc I suggest you refer to those David Attenborough links I provided above !

Oh and did I previously mention that CC was not about ME, and it is bigger than YOU !?...... and indeed ALL of us ?

At least your "petrol guzzling, nox spewing dinosaur" epitaph for a P38 was accurate though; Well done, Greta would be impressed !

Posts: 810

Shall we just draw a line under this one. I guess the pub's gone a bit off piste (mixed metaphors)

Posts: 384

You have indeed nailed the essence of it.
Much bigger than all of us. It is a shame more folks do not see that!
How about we agree that we all have different opinions shaped by our life's experiences and leave it there?
I also, believe it or not, have nothing for or against young Greta.
I also have heaps of respect for Sir David and his accomplishments as an educator and entertainer.
Of course, I will continue to tend my small flock of dinos as long as I possibly can.......Come what may......
You, and anyone else have the same right.
Cheers for a spirited discussion! Next round's on me!

Posts: 331

Dave reminds me of this woman ..............


Piers simply asked her whether she had a telly but she refused to answer.