The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
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8058 posts

The other one that's a bit weird is when a thread has more than one page. It will show as only having one page until the second page gets 3 or 4 posts in it then it shows as having two so you can go straight to the most recent posts. Not a problem and probably just the way the software works but a couple of times I've looked at a thread that has new posts and thought I was suffering deja vu.

I'll take a run down to help with any mechaniking too. Many hands make light work and all that.

Martyuk wrote:

I'm tempted to try one of the pump units that you use in a drill chuck aswell..

I've got one of those, it's a Draper and it's crap.......

Yup, OB got it spot on. They fold over on themselves so at high the cracks will be closing up enough to seal but at normal the rubber will be opening the cracks up. 50 quid a corner from Island 4x4 for genuine Dunlops and about 25 quid on eBay for a compressor rebuild kit. After the way your missus has trashed her car, I suggest you keep at least one of them on the road......

You could have done what most ex-Pats do and left it on UK plates. As long as you bring it back once a year for an MoT and have it registered at a UK address, then it's a temporary import (or in the case of most ex-Pats I know, leave it on UK plates at a UK address, SORN it and don't bother with an MoT).

That's a bit of a bugger, especially knowing how much cars cost over there even for an old dog. So much cheaper here, 4 weeks ago I bought a 2002 Honda HR-V VTech with 12 months MoT for £500 and last week I picked up a 2004 Mercedes C180 Kompressor Coupe with only 63,000 on the clock for £1450. These were both for other people but both of them were very tidy and needed minimal fiddling to get near perfect. I doubt you'll find anything over there for under a grand.

Clutch is bolted to the flywheel and the starter engages with the ring gear on the outside of the flywheel. I suppose if the clutch cover let go then bits of it could have damaged the starter but if it was mine and it was still working I wouldn't bother replacing it, I'd just bear it in mind in case it started making any funny noises.

You got Eurocarparts in France???? I thought you were stuck with being ripped off by Norauto?

Yup, 15mm socket here too. I bought (or may have already had) the fan spanner but made the holding tool by drilling a hole in the end of a lump of steel bar. The hole is big enough to go over the head of one of the pulley bolts so holds it steady while you heave on the spanner.

It just gets slightly confusing when people sign in with a different username. Chris was Chris1234 on the other forum and riddlemethis was aintgotaclue on landrovernet. I just stick with the same one, stops me from forgetting who I am when I log into a site, but at my age, forgetting things is becoming a more regular occurrence.... (thought I better say it before anyone else did).

I've got a rigid tow pole to use rather than a rope. I've towed a mate 60 odd miles who told me he'd got bored reading the name of the garage that made my rear number plate as that was about all he could see. Also towed my daughter about the same distance, I think she went to sleep out of boredom.....

It was definitely the idlers then. You've frightened them into being quiet.....

Martyuk wrote:

Somehow when I went to reply it didn't show up with GilbertD's response - otherwise I wouldn't have posted the same sites!

I've noticed that the forum doesn't show there's a second page unless there's 2 or 3 posts in it so you don't always notice that you aren't replying to the most recent post.

Vibration through the car isn't usually the front end. I've noticed that out of balance or out of round rear wheels seem to start at around 60mph and will come through the whole car. You'll feel it through the steering but you'll feel it through your bum too. A rear prop that is out of balance or even bent will do the same.

Sloth wrote:> Need to do some looking around for other sources.

www.filllpg.co.uk is the best place to look but 62p is taking the piss. The main Peterborough services on the A1(M) is only 55.9p and is the most expensive around here.

50p? You're being ripped off. Only 46.9 from a Morrisons near me. I remember when prices went up a couple of years ago when it was around 80p a litre, still cheaper than petrol though. I still think we've got a good deal. Petrol got up to what £1.25 a litre? Something like that but now it's down to a quid or so and LPG has come down by virtually the same amount. Best deal I've found recently on fuel is central heating oil. I live on the edge of a village and they couldn't be bothered to run the gas main across the main road so I use oil for heating. The first lot I bought when I moved in 5 years ago cost me £320 for 500 litres. I bought 1,000 litres last week for £302......

Both mine work fine. Keep good time too.

If it isn't a hose, then a slight leak from the valley gasket would be my next choice. There's waterways through the inlet manifold into the heads at both ends and torquing the bolts up at the back is awkward so I bet they often don't get the same torque as the others. The only core plugs at the back of the engine are behind the flywheel so inside the bellhousing so any leak would drip out the bottom of that rather than run down the outside.

Looks to me like the horizontal one is the positive. Purple wire has volts, black wire is ground.

enter image description here

GeorgeB wrote:

Where did you obtain these, please? Pre-made or did you go to a local hose supplier?

I didn't, they were on the cars when I got them. I assumed they were standard as both have them (a '97 4.0SE and a 98 4.0 police special)