The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
125 posts

So sorry to hear this.

I guess a short block from Turner is out of the question?

George! There you are at last .... did the search party find you?

If the steering shaft joint has gone, you will hear a clicking sound when turning the steering wheel back and forth, and be able to see movement on the shaft. It seems to be the top joint that goes.

Has the steering box adjuster come loose? Certainly check the bushes .. .get a crowbar behind them and wiggle.

All I can think of at present.

Off the topic a bit, but I wondered some time ago what minimum size battery would turn over the engine (petrol) in warm climates? Just for emergencies, either turn over or charge the main battery enough for it to do it.

Would a motorcycle batt do it? It could be kept somewhere unobtrusively ....

I carry one of those lithium get you started batts which I've yet to use.

Wow, thanks!

The bootloader unlock code arrived yesterday, but I won't need it if your link works ....

This is already a great forum I think.

Update ..... I've rooted the Huawei tablet but spent ages trying to access the bootloader, which, surprise, is locked. This tablet is one of the hardest to fiddle with, so I've asked Huawei for the unlock code. maybe they will send it.

All I'm trying to do is run a script that tells the tablet to start regardless of the power on state and even if its battery is dead and it has switched itself off.

Alternative is to drill a hole in the dash and fit a pin of some sort to push the power button... no thanks!

Thanks for the links.

It could be 20A that the compressor draws (it's a macho off-road jobbie that actually will inflate a RR tyre). I'll check.

Hello All,

I'd like to have a portable 12 V supply for testing and to run my air compressor (for tyres .... 40 Amp).

I'd thought of a cheapo lead acid battery with a cut out ...... is there a better way?

Good old Google!

I installed a second hand one yesterday and the fault code has gone.

Easy to do and quite satisfying.

I broke open the old one and found the commutator seriously worn and the brushes given up to an oily, sooty mess .... I guess the fan was working most of the time in Dubai.

The motor is made by Johnson, so i went to their website bit found no reference to it.

I was thinking of buying a spare motor as the rest of the thing can be used again.


There is some good stuff there amongst the junk, for example, how to change the Bosch ecu cooler fan, which I did yesterday.

Can you download as well, or only view?

Hi All,

Two things ... how to post photos, and, I have a lot of stuff saved over the years from various web sites explaining how to.

I could share this, but how to do it?

Right, tablet has arrived and is really nice, good screen and solid.

Whilst I fret about how to cut up the dash part carefully (it is not a sat nav one), what do I do if the battery goes flat and I can't access the on off button?

Is there an app or utility which always boots the system up when power is connected?

I have the same low output sub problem.

My first P38 is the only one (I'm on number 4) where the sub worked properly and was good enough for me.

Marty .... did you test for low line level to the sub amp from the DSP amp?

Brilliant, thanks, downloading now.

The fans turn slowly .... is this on AUTO or by turning the control to the maximum?

Both fans at the same speed?

If you remove the pollen filters you can see the fans turning to get a better idea.

You could also swap the two yellow relays for two others in the fuse box.

Impatience got the better of me and I've ordered one of these:


Only 1gB ram but it does everything.

My only doubt now is cutting the cubby hole to fit it .....

Exactly, I have Sygic and paid for all the maps ..... it is not a touch on Google which comes up trumps nearly every time. That's why I'm thinking of using my phone's data plan. It is not ideal, though, and if Vodafione here will sell me a second sim I'll certainly try for a tablet with 4G .....

The Nexus 7 s I've found so far don't have sim card slots ...... I'm trying Samsungs which look nice but are all tied to Verizon or Sprint ....

Right, I really need some help with this!

The Asus NEXUS 7 7-Inch HD looks the business and the price is right.

So, I would connect it as follows:

  • Tablet to GROM Bluetooth receiver
  • Tablet to phone's wifi to enable data for navigation

So far, so good, I think.

BUT ....... how can I get the phone to run through the tablet for hands free calls?

Is there some way of making the ASUS use a phone card?

Any help most welcome ...