The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
125 posts

If I use Nano to look for a misfire, do I do it with the engine running or look for historical readings?


Thanks Richard.

Hi All,

I currently have NGK plugs fitted.

Is there any benefit from changing them?

Fabulous, Marty.

Hi All,

Good things come in twos .... my LPG installer now has a 1996 GEMS to do.

Does any good soul have any photos of a GEMS installation I could show him to help?

Thanks so much.

I'm happy to post the details of the system if anyone is interested.

Well, it is done.

I've only driven a few kilometres so far .... and am about to clear up the area around the tank and take it for it first fill of gas.

I'm not clear on one thing.

I understand that a cold engine will start on petrol and change automatically to gas, but what happens when the gas runs out? Does it automatically switch back to petrol?

My Portuguese ran out when the installer tried to explain, but I think he said that the car stops and you have to restart with petrol...

Any help welcome!

You will be pleased to know that I have finally booked the car in for its LPG conversion. LPG is one third the price of petrol here.

I went to see the LPG man yesterday armed with info and pictures from this forum and from Richard (thanks) and we had a meaningful exchange in a mixture of Portuguese and English.

Hopefully he will cut through the Thor inlet manifold to run the pipes ....

OEM ... the gas filled ones can be very harsh.

No, I have the HI Line HK system ...

If you are going to stream via BT, try the Neutron player and optimise the settings ... the sound is warm and rich!

It was I who bought the BT3 ....... easy to fit and the sound quality very good streaming from an Android phone by Bluetooth.

I also bought Neutron music player for the phone.

Welcome indeed.

Mud, glorious mud ....

Stuff that you always wanted but were afraid to ask but might be cheaper in quantity ..... I'll start:

  1. The latest version of the unlocking electronic receiver thingy

Any more?

Nice project!

Are you going to build a pit in the floor?

Another way is to remove the side panels of the console and you will see where the drains enter the cabin and the pipes connecting to the a/c.

You can remove the drains with care from inside the car.


Is it on springs or air?

Hi All,

Is the forum by invite only?

I'd like to invite someone.


Do you still write your stories on the other site?

I think the folks here would appreciate them ....

Just a short story ... are you sitting comfortably?

I thought to replace the camshafts on my 4.6 a couple of years ago.

I was in Dubai, and bought a camshaft (nice Piper one), followers, oil pump gear, timing kit, big end shells and thought that was it.

Workshop stripped the old engine and said that it was very worn; it could be rebored and fettled locally but would take a long time and they advised a short engine.

So, new short engine ordered and engine reassembled.

Are you still reading this?

Final bill was huge ..... they had to send out the heads for reconditioning, buy new head bolts, gaskets (at LR prices, of course) and so on.

Result was and remains very good.

Moral is?

  1. It is very very easy to pour money away buying your own bits when it might be wiser to get a new unit.

  2. By the time they had fettled the old heads, bought the gaskets and similar. I wish I'd bought a full engine.

I admit this was in the days when cash was more plentiful! But, the expense has now been forgotten and the engine is sound.