to race anything can be good fun with the right people
we have mower racing to , and don't the open class go (bleeding kidneys all round)
good to see some competition , right up their with barbie car racing, all down hill them hear.
just put stan weiss in to google
the only electric vehicles that we will be driving in the future will be mobility scooters , might convert mine to petrol , who wants a race?
PS hi davew so my name is craig and i live in tasmania and drive a 1997 p38 petrol so what model do you have ?
ok that sounds good that you did remove the box , i had a vision of you trimming the flaps on the top off the box and not actually removing it . if yo have good end float and all is free it should be good. how did you go with the white gear on the side as they can be tight too
Hi davew
good to see that we final agree on some things
so what model range rover did yo say you had .
(http://StanWeiss-electronic fuel compatability) is this what you are looking for
did you remove the heater box from the vehicle , which flaps did you trim.
hi davew sorry if you have taken my comments as offensive as that is not what i was trying to put forward , so i apologize for that, sorry.
my point is that their is another side to this story and it's not being heard because they say the science is in and you should just believe it, no sorry im not going to believe a computer generated concept, that is simply not real , it's a concept , a possible maybe at best . the info that you put forward is just that , a scientist put an algorithm into a computer and came up with a concept that under certain circumstances and the wind blows up instead off down this is a possibility and because scientists are scientists they agree that under those circumstances its a possibility, this was evident in the first 3 words of the reply ( a science consensus) sorry davew but i only deal with whats real , i have learnt over the years to question everything and to not accept the norm
my real opinion is that the carbon debate is a rouse to distract the people from the real issues that are staring the powers to be in the face ,pollution, population, plastics, politicians etc. these are today's real issues not carbon . no amount of carbon is ever going to hurt any human or animal ever( unless a tree falls on them, unlucky)so im sorry davew that i dont agree with your concepts and that the science is not their . i live on an island and if the water was rising it would be a visual thing by now , it's supose to be a meter or so higher according to the computer modeling , sorry davew im just not seeing it
while i accept that people have differing views i don't accept that their is only one side to this issue.
PS back to the real question , do you still have your Range Rover . it's ok to yes , it's old and recycled so its ok to have one in my opinion.
well what a load of ....... ,how have you's managed to be manipulated by someone that simply can't be honest with you ,and state exactly what he drives . he says that refurbished vehicles are a savior to the environment and then uses it against you (our vehicles are 20 years old , saved from the scrap heap) yes we all could buy new but why ?
maybe davew can explain where all the money is going and how it is being used to save the world (administration costs?) or how the pacific islands are stating that they are sinking into the ocean when in fact they have increased in size by 70+ha nearly 200 acres or how one scientist can can make false statements about the great barrier reef , saying that an area had 80% permanent bleaching when in fact it was 40% of which 30% would recover within 3 to 4 months, the other scientist that worked on the same issue that stood up and corrected his college was SACKED (unfair dismissal case , 1.2 million dollars compensation, yes he won)
maybe davew can explain why someone that speaks out is attacked and belittled because they don't believe or have a different views, it's like religion you are a believer or not .it will be interesting to sit back and watch exactly what these kids do in 20 years time when they have to deal with the disposal of solar cells li battereys and the like ,. a problem they created for them selves, i could go on but why, no one is going to change whot they do, no child will walk to school or tell the teacher to turn of the air conditioner or the heater . they only showed up because it was a day of school , do it on a Saturday and count the numbers
where did greta get the idea to crap in a plastic bag and dispose of it in the ocean, Iceland i guess, they just put it in a plastic bag throw it on the beach and watch the tide wash it away . good luck pushing it up the hill, thats the contents off the plastic bag!!
on the side of the injector is a number, google it and do a comparison , with one being bosch and the other a lucus i doubt if they are directly interchangeable
when you say cleaned up the flaps do you mean you trimmed up the rubber edges around the flaps or modded the inside of the air box. the real issue is the box shrinks and the end float of the shafts dissapears this is where the problem is if the flaps are tight
ps when the lube dries it will fault again?
how are the diesel with gas injection systems with emissions . I know they go well and run cleaner internally
my vision of the future is electric town vehicles and petrol diesel etc for the country . how many charging stations would you need to cross the Nullarbor in Australia, 3000kms. you can't use a standard power point, lets get real.
not a broken engine mount , that can make your exhaust knock?
it will never happen the sky will not fall . it will defiantly not rain money from the sky . the first country to go all electric will be the first to collapse from loss of revenue (the worlds economy is built on fuel taxes and the automotive industry ) why is it that the charging devises aren't a part of the car and you need to stop at a specific charging point and not a standard power point. read the fine print, insert credit card here (tax grab)
the worlds problem is not carbon, its pollution ,plastics and population followed by dumb politicians who think immigration is a forward step.
bring on the civil wars and get it over and done with.
they wouldn't be wired back to front because they are opposite and work back to front.
how tight are the distribution flaps and other flaps , if you have to put physical effort into moving them they are probably to tight should move with the flick of a finger.
no1 is grey and no5 red black strip
no7 white no9 brown no10 black
the pins can be removed with the smallest flat jewellers screw driver
PS it may have been removed to replace the blend motor at some stage instead of replacing them all
I'm going fishing next week
wonna come,(insert fishing emoge)
thanks to my comment on springs I now feel like a have to justify them a little .
firstly I don't carry any spares or shadier valves etc. yes the ride isn't as good (yes I have driven several on bags) but its not a race car and with or without air bags its still a heavy 4wd that will never handle like a sports car, even on springs it will run rings around a patrol or land cruiser on and off the road
PS while air bags are better for ride as you can see every body has an EAS story
welcome to the forum don't be shy of springs , look and see if the air sus is still their so that you can go back if you want to . unlike mine that was stripped of everything
PS sometimes the air suspension doesn't suit your purpose.