The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
2448 posts

There's a company near me that seems to start at about £8k for Japanese P38. A friend of mine bought one but chopped it in after a year because it "kept breaking down". From the (rather terse) description it was just a few EAS faults that anyone on here could have sorted but I suspect the importers know more about Japan than P38s. Just my suspicion.

Ebay 384689724352
A fine example of your BBC License fee at work!
(apologies to our overseas viewers)

Well I'd have no problem with the warning (I've got it on my Jeep, and it makes me think of Jurassic Park) but a different focus/direction could be an issue.
Ah well, I've got more pressing issues like EAS valve block and rear bags to go at.
BUT, it was payday yesterday so I'd better get the bits :)

I can't even see if they're heated, I'd hope so!

The Duches, being a expensive Bi++.. Lady... has the auto dipping, auto dimming, heated wing mirrors.
The driver's side one has now decided that being reflective was far too common and has changed colour to an unpleasant dog-streak brown.
Not wishing to replace the whole assembly (it's colour coded, too) I looked for a replacement piece of glass.


Holy Carp.

Lol, thanks guys :)

Yes, I pulled the motor apart to see if I could find any reason for the metal shavings (which I now suspect are the remains of the grub screw).
I'll digest what you said Richard and see if I can grow another hand :D
The main issue I was having was the long screws that run past the magnets invariably click on the magnets and don't want to go to the holes at the far end of the casing. I'm sure there's a simpler way, once you spot it.

If you're at all concerned about the amount of effort and parts you'll need to keep a P38 running, click on my name to the left of this post. That's what I've put on what was a "Minter" since I bought it. There's nothing all that scary, just the constant drip of things that need doing.

Gilbertd wrote:

I want to ask why a taxi converted to run on LPG can be exempt from the ULEZ charge yet a privately owned car converted to run on LPG isn't.

You'll never guess who I had in the back of my cab last week....
And it wasn't his missus either!!

Glad I've got the camera... should be good for some extra ULEZ Exemptions!

In my curiousity, I took the motor out of the casing to have a better look. Can't get the damn thing back in again!! I might go and do a couple of rubics cubes, blindfolded, as light relief 🙅‍♂️

Ah roger. OK, well I didn't see anything like a grub screw, I'll check again :)

Good luck :) Let's see the list of pain! :D

The bearings seemed fine so being a curious sort I carried on taking it apart to see where the metal had come from and half hoping they might only be plastic shavings from the piston seal.

It looks like the motor has stripped what was once a keyed socket in the axle/counterweight. I Wasn't expecting that!
The date on this part is 09/17 so I'll be keeping some of the bits for salvage but unless there's a source of new piston assemblies this is dead :(

I think I bought this new, but it's a Dunlop.
Ah well, thanks for letting me know before I waste the time and a rebuild kit.

I have silicon grease! I suspect this is one of those "lifetime" tubs ;)

But First - I'm going to warm up on the least happy compressor in the fleet. It turns out I already had a spare, so now I've got one new one on the car, one new one on the shelf, and this one that needs a rebuild.

Question is: How hosed is it? There are quite a few metal shavings and the piston is a bit tilted. I've got a new barrel but not a new piston.
I'll get a photo up shortly...

![enter image description here](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMv2rVG4832EVvOOkt8Pk_b8BB0QE7nyIKHkLCzucxmHsok21vzt9XWRiKHvKCdZw/photo/AF1QipPXBn1mwD4HNYi1Btg-70djwMiEKjcjdTzw0aFS?key=MGhtVlU3czczOVRCTjg2NjdXRHIyRkdBdEgxblFn "enter image title here")
https://photos.app.goo.gl/foBpXqUBhwF25K617 enter link description here

So..err, which grease is it that I should use? I'm sure I've got a ridiculous amount left over from last time, somewhere!

😁 Well, they're on the way. Thanks!

I googled LK8 and got X8r - is that what you meant?
I can't remember if that's what I used last time, they look familiar but that might be because I looked at every option!

I'll probably order some and feed back.

Hi Folks,
The Duchess is dropping her backside overnight and now it only takes a couple of hours. It's not one corner but both rear bags at once and there's often an air leak type sound from the valve block/pump area when you shut the engine off. I'm guessing it's time to rebuild the solenoid/NRV/etc seals - could you please recommend a decent set as I seem to recall that there are some which are not as good as others.
I'm also hoping to replace both rear bags if the weather isn't too horrible as the offside rear picked up an advisory for being perished.
Maybe that'll see her right?!

I just found a crows foot and bar to be ideal, especially as I don't have a length of scaff pole. The crows foot can also go on over the wire, I can't remember why I thought that was useful at the time :shrug:

VAT is decided nationally. The threshold for imports into the UK is IIRC £130 or so. Chasing 23 cents on a 1 euro transaction sounds like it wouldn't be worth it but if that's what the ROI want to do... it's up to them. Or, ultimately, their electorate ;)