The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2448

Just make sure you're in Moscow by Autumn :)

Posts: 1357


Posts: 8105

Sorry, the history suggests reference has only just sunk in. As we won't be setting off until March-April time next year, this autumn won't be possible, but I bloody hope next autumn is......

Posts: 2448

Maybe after you've done a recce we can organise a Pub outing the year after and have an epic convoy to Moscow or even Turkey or somewhere nuts :)

Posts: 1357

If you do I'll be tempted to buy a P38 and join you :-)
Already lots of intelligence from Gilbert... most of the time lol.
Just P38's? A local guy (used to run a car paint shop) collects old military vehicles, tanks etc, probably has something that looks like a half track but would guess they're not allowed. In fact, would they be OK about a convoy going anyway?

Posts: 8105

Lpgc wrote:

Just P38's? A local guy (used to run a car paint shop) collects old military vehicles, tanks etc, probably has something that looks like a half track but would guess they're not allowed. In fact, would they be OK about a convoy going anyway?

Once you get East of Warsaw, old WW2 military vehicles are still in daily use but we wouldn't want anything like that slowing us down. Don't see why anyone would object to a convoy, as long as it wasn't old military trucks, they might think they were being invaded again.......

Posts: 739





Slighty sad, but presumably their marketing people were not prepared to mislead this time ?

Besides, I really wanted to see these on the roads:


" **The main tech innovations in Dyson’s breakthrough EV (now mothballed)
1) Solid-state battery

Although based on lithium-ion tech, the pressurised liquid electrolyte is replaced by a thin layer of non-flammable material that acts as both the separator (keeping positive and negative electrodes from coming into contact) and the electrolyte (allowing ion transfer to happen).

2) Safer than liquid

Lithium-ion batteries typically run at 35°C, demanding complex cooling for EVs, and both Tesla and GM’s batteries have suffered fires. To extend their service life, the batteries should never be fully charged or discharged. Solid-state batteries don’t suffer from these problems.

3) Clever motors

Dyson’s digital ‘switched reluctance’ motors benefit from excellent packaging and mechanical design, says Wilson. They offer good cooling and thermal performance – which is key – while aerodynamically efficient rotors, that are quiet and cool, minimise losses.

4) A question of scale

With brushless motors already 90+% efficient there isn’t a lot of headroom for Dyson’s digital motor. It will have inertia and thermal challenges if scaled up to car size, on top of losses generated by electric fields in the rotor. Using a series of laminations reduces these losses.
** "

Posts: 739


Maybe Dyson read this thread ?

or this:


Posts: 8105

That's what I find pathetic about the whole thing. Forced to buy energy saving LED lightbulbs (that won't work with existing standard dimmer switches), encouraged to get a smart meter so you can see where you are wasting electricity to cut consumption and reduce your bills, then be pushed towards buying an electric car to bump them back up again. The public don't always think about it, they just think they don't have to fill the tank with fuel, they just plug it in so they must be saving money but how many of them would leave a 3kW electric heater on all night every night?

Posts: 676

I've been told by someone who should know, that Toyota, who were once pioneering electric cars, have put electric cars on a back burner for now. The reason being that the world doesn't have the infrastructure to power a whole lot of them. Unlike the Pacific Northwest where I live, a lot of the world still uses coal and diesel to generate electricity. I think the likelihood of our fossil fuel burning vehicles being banned in the near future is very slim.

Posts: 739

As we know Richard our Politicians really are not very good at "thinking things through" .... I suspect some jumped on the EV bandwagon as it provided a solution to the Diesel/NOx mess they caused and thought it would be a 'stimulation' to the Car Industry (and it may well have been if the EVs were not so expensive still and 'suitable ££ encouragements' had continued too....

That said there is a market for EVs but mainy for town travel....(?) HIghways/Motorays less so...(?)
It just that the Chinese will be making most of these cars (apparently) !

Do they still have steam trains up there Harv ? Just joshing but yes there are too many unexploited fossil fuels still in the ground...

In the meantime it looks like Greta Thunberg is heading for a Nobel Prize (?)

Posts: 1357

davew wrote:

In the meantime it looks like Greta Thunberg is heading for a Nobel Prize (?)_

At 16 and from Sweden she's definitely headed for a nob prize, after that she might calm down a bit...

Posts: 1357

Gilbertd wrote:

That's what I find pathetic about the whole thing. Forced to buy energy saving LED lightbulbs (that won't work with existing standard dimmer switches), encouraged to get a smart meter so you can see where you are wasting electricity to cut consumption and reduce your bills, then be pushed towards buying an electric car to bump them back up again. The public don't always think about it, they just think they don't have to fill the tank with fuel, they just plug it in so they must be saving money but how many of them would leave a 3kW electric heater on all night every night?

Building on what you've said... We're also to be moved away from gas heating to electric heating, granted using heat pumps not traditional electric heaters but still... Filament bulbs were not as energy efficient as LEDs in terms of light output but the energy 'wasted' was the equivalent of a small electric heater. It is colder when it is dark so people were always more likely to turn on electric lights when it was cold.. There isn't as much energy to be saved by fitting LED bulbs etc as might at first seem because any heat not produced by filament bulbs will instead have to be produced by heat pumps or (for now) by gas boilers.

There are people who think leaving a couple of phone chargers plugged into the mains (even not charging a phone) and a TV on standby uses as much electric as an electric heater / worry that using nested 3 way adaptors to plug phone chargers in would cause an overload and start a fire but will happily leave a 7kw car charger running all night with charging cable neatly coiled on a garage floor while fans attempt to keep the lithium battery cool.

Besides all the infrastructure and generation issues EVs need much better batteries. Quoted range might be (say) 100 miles on a 30kwh battery but the 30kwh is 100% of the battery rating while small print says battery life will suffer if the battery is charged above 80% and/or run to below 40%... so for example quoted range of 100 miles the manufacturer should advise 'regular use' range should only be 80%-40%=40% of 100 miles which is only 40 miles.

A funny thought just occurred to me... Imagine a future where son says to dad "Can I have £1 to go to the shop and buy some sweets please?' Dad says 'Yes if you earn it, you can earn it by spending a few hours on the exercise bike which is plugged into the grid, spend 4 hours peddling really fast and when the smart-meter says you've produced £1's worth of electricity I'll give you the quid for the shop'. Dad thinks result, that'll stop him getting fat, teach him the value of money, pocket money cost me nothing and I've done my bit for the environment today! Later that evening son turns TV on and sees how large parts of the world is generating gigawatts of electric using coal power stations, in fact there are more coal power stations now than there were in 1980. Later in his life son gets a job building sea defences on the UK coast, his car was built in China, tools he uses in his job were built in China and China supplies a big chunk of our electricity... Nuclear fusion still hasn't been invented, there are undersea cables and we have Chinese built nuclear power stations.

Posts: 739

Well Greta did'nt get a Nobel Prize so she, and the millions like her, are free to not 'calm down' either !
And surely we have to admire kids willing to get 'arrested' for their beliefs.....

Maybe The Chinese will be the first to devise Fusion Reactors too; In the meantime they are quite happy to supply the World With PV Cells of course..
and EVs.... and..and.. but Dyson was supposed to be developing a 'solid state battery' but failed so maybe The Chinese will be first with that too** ? .

In the meantime:


Posts: 1357

I remember being at school in Yorkshire during the miner's strike and a few teachers strikes happened around the same time. Following a teachers strike some students decided it would be a good idea to go on strike themselves, just for the crack of it and to gauge teachers reactions... If teachers had been on strike what would/could they say about students being on strike etc, students might get away with wagging school and not get detention on their return, it was an ideal time for students to push their luck. Nobody expected it to spread to other schools and it didn't, but if it happened today with the internet etc it might well have spread, someone would have assigned a reason for the strike action and same person might have gone on to give speeches and demonstrations if it all snowballed.

I don't admire her, I think sh'es a kid and typically idealistic, she used the internet to organise 'action' but probably spent more time on the net chatting unnecessarily to friends and watching Youtube vids creating emissions herself. She might not have been born or might have been living in a cave if it wasn't for progress made by ancestors producing emissions. Change is happening without her, in a few years she might be more interested in boys and nob prizes of a different kind. She might drop the demo's etc, young idealism tends to wear thinner as wider understanding and realism sets in, more likely to continue if she enjoys being a celebrity.

Everyone here impressed with what she's doing will be getting rid of their P38 soon then?

Posts: 676

No steam trains anymore, but that's a great example of power that seems to be environmentally safe, until you realize that the steam was heated with coal! Maybe like electric cars that are charged from a coal generating plant.

Posts: 1357

Perhaps a steam engine with a very large battery and electric heating elements lol.
Visited the National Railway Museum in York last Sunday with my 4 year old... again.

Posts: 739

No need to speculate (negatively/inaccurately) about Greta Lpgc, Just Google her !

And you do know she has Asbergers, right ?


And I read this book yesterday: A collection of her speeches:

"Is my microphone on, can you hear me" ?....... indeed


Yes a kid but a Smart Kid ; Watch Out !

And, finally, I would much rather listen to her than our so-called 'leaders' who (far too often) sound like spoilt/stupid kids....

Posts: 739

Back (more) on track:


Posts: 739

Did some more research on this, specifically:-


... but it is going to take more that a Smart Phone App. to convince me it is 90K well spent....

Not sure I would really want to drive_ this _through a stream/ford either :-
