The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
198 posts

Hi David

Thanks for that

So both my rear are the older type. With the lead and the plug attached to the inside of the wheel arch

It is just that 1 is bolted horizontally and the other vertical

Thanks for the lead position. That helps alot. I will look again to see if they do match or i may just remove both and re fit if I can

Can you mix old style height sensors with new type. I.e pre 97 and post 97

I'm just wanting to try and get this suspension behaving properly so I can start looking to get it in for an mot.

Ooo I never checked if the sensors are different. I would say the fly lead us the older version as the drivers side certainly looks that way.

Will check the passenger side next time.

Also thanks for spray idea. Worth a shout indeed

So gents I have swapped out my valve block but I have noticed my rear right height sensor is bolted to the mount front to back horizontally

The rear left is bolted vertically

It is an N reg P38 so assume it has the older type of height sensor.

Which one is mounted correctly as I'm still having issues with setting the heights

That truly is stunning and great to read through the full thread of what has been achieved.

i say you make sure it is used and not just a show pony, the work that has gone in to it, needs to be enjoyed aswell.

Morning Gents

So i managed to get time to take a photo of what the heights are reading.

Few strange things that need to ask about.

  1. For example it was suppose to be at standard height, but the readings dont match the figures on the calibration page

  2. when pressing get heights, is it suppose to rise and fall as if it is going through the different stages

  3. when i press down on some of the corners......it actually goes up and then sometimes if i press up, it also goes up

  4. i took photos of the height sensors, they all look pretty straight and each side matches the angles they are set up at

enter image description here

i didnt take a photo at lunch, bloody idiot. i will try and get one at 4.30 on my next tea break so i can show what the sensors are actually coming back with

When i press the get height reading options, it raises up and down and seems to square off. The readings on the height sensors are very different to whats on the calibration page

and also both sides seem to be alot further apart. Im not sure what tolerance you can have between front left and front right etc.

I thought i had labelled up each manual inflator correctly to which corner it was and then plumbed it back into the EAS housing in the right order.

Again when i got her she had been butchered with an ECU bypass, some scrote had cut the cats off the exhaust, key fob battery been packed out with silver foil so all doors etc locked, she has been a mess but she is getting better.

Afternoon again gentlemen and others.

Firstly apologies for the glare in the photos, yesterday was brighter than it is today.

The bottom photo is what i found the heights at and also i was getting incorrect heights as a fault.

I changed the heights to some i had seen on a youtube video to give me a starting point and i got rid of the incorrect height fault, i assume to the figures being closer together.

I am yet to get the calibration blocks out because i have noticed i can not level it out and the back right corner seems to not move or very randomly.

I have checked again for leaks and have none on the bags or pipe work

I have new bags on all 4 corners as when i got the project she had been butchered with manual inflaters. was riding very high to unstable height and Gilbert had spotted they had cut out the thermal overload so the pump would run assuming even thought the bags were leaking.

The wiring has been repair, the compressor refurbished, dryer re done, new bags on each corner.

That leaves me with the actual block and imagine height sensors.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Thank you gents. Being Monday I forgot to bring my laptop to work but will remember it tommorow and get it plugged in and upload some photos.

I only tried to adjust the high setting to start with as this was at the top of the list and see what happens

I didn't take a photo of the saved heights but standard there was only about 10 difference between left and right. For example if I remember high height was

Front left 150
Front right 140
Rear left 130
Rear right 120

For example

Evening gents

Thank you for all the help.

Finally got it to fully sync up. No faults to start with. Tried to edit and level the sides up but need to practice abit more editing the heights. Both the right hand side front and rear must be 40mm difference to the left hand side. Then I got an error when I tried to edit.

enter image description here

Thanks again, I will try this mid week and report back how i get on.

Bit of a non productive day yesterday, the software i couldnt get the knack of

Then the discs and pads i ordered from maltings would not fit, the front discs seemed too deep and only just came flush with the start of the studs.

Suspect they may of been for a D2 but not 100%

At least i got some new HT leads fitted and refitted some odd bits of trim inside that i had still to go at

Thanks again.

Il try that next time rather than playing with the delay.

It says the power cycle for the eas not done properly.

How do you gents state what the process is.

Ignition on

Then plug laptop in

Then power up software.

Or software running and plugged in first etc.

Thanks gents.

Yes RSW say communication with ecu ok but power up cycle not correct. Il dig a bit deeper. May have to alter the delay on the communication side by looks of it

Oh my days gurus please fix that if possible haha