The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
2312 posts

Likewise today at GSF

Can't wait to find out how many issues mine has with locking/ immobilisation etc when it turns up. Almost convinced it wont even get off the trailer without intervention by Nano. Hoping the EKA is in with the documents...

I'll pick up that gauntlet :)

Pics or it didn't happen Tony :)

Ferryman wrote:

Mine is now in it's 5th week on the driveway while fully taxed. But this afternoon- new engine in again!

Wouldn't want to mar the turf on the croquet lawn Morat. What would the neighbours say?

Morat wrote:

tbh, you haven't got much lawn left to lose so you may as well wait to tax it until the first of December and dirt track it round the garden for a week :)

Oh Marty, Marty. Wherefore art though Marty?!
What a pain in the @rse Morat...

Yeah right!
I'm currently thinking I may not put it on the road until 1st Dec anyway now (assuming I have it by then). Why pay for 3 weeks tax that I haven't used?!
Too many ANPR cameras down here to even risk using it untaxed.
STOP PRESS- just had a text. Being delivered Saturday morning!!

On the bright side though I do have a shiny new V5C in my name. DVLA are getting very efficient!

Unfortunately not. The transporter has me over a barrel as my car is happily locked in his warehouse.

Clive- pm sent

From his posts so far I think that MHT may be a person of interest to ask about paint finishing as well (see #24 in https://rangerovers.pub/topic/254-hello?page=2#pid3632)
If you do ask Santa for a machine polisher, be sure to specify a Dual Action (DA) polisher, or if Santa's feeling wealthy, a Positive Drive DA.
All polishers use the build up of heat to "flatten" the finish. The skill is in knowing exactly how much heat. DA polishers are much more forgiving in that respect. Pro's use rotary polishers because they're faster and ultimately can produce a better finish than DA, but take more practice to use..
You'll see the new one at Winter Camp Marty. It needs a headlining, so I'll save that fun for then.
Actually, I say you'll see it at Camp- that is, if it's actually got to me by then.....

Martyuk wrote:

I'm thinking of asking santa for a machine polisher for Xmas... Part of the reason I guess mine doesn't get cleaned/polished as much as it should is because it's so much surface area to do by hand that the amount of time it takes, it usually doesn't stop raining long enough for a start! Anyone have any experience with them? I've heard you can damage the paint if you press to hard with some of them... but as far as polishing the surface area of a P38 in a bit less time - thoughts?

Yep, it's a gamble but not every HG failure is a slipped liner although some are. Only other issues it has that I gleaned after lengthy correspondence with the seller is needs 2 cracked mirror glasses replaced (ouch if you go photochromic, cheap if not), he can't find service book and indeterminate tread depth on the Scorpion ATR tyres. His handyman couldn't measure them properly!

Got it in one Shep. Considerable saving (half!) if I allowed flexibility in delivery date. Not unlimited though- just a couple of days.

Interestingly I've just (1/2 hour ago) had an eBog message from the seller of the one I mentioned above.
The sale fell through (only one brief contact from buyer) and he's wondering if I'm still interested and want to make a deal before he relists.
I know Chris on here is pretty much the head gasket king. Maybe I could put you in touch with the seller and you could work out something on the car and with Chris to get the head gasket done?
If I had the time to do the work, I'd buy it myself, do the work and flip it as there's money to be made on that car, but with the Vogue SE arriving imminently I don't.

Sigh. No new car today :(
Courier lost his back load so it's in limbo, on a trailer, locked in a warehouse- somewhere

Mine too. The rattle they make when driving stops me from dozing off.

Ferryman wrote:

Yeah, regulations. If it was that simple. When crossing the continent there still are different connections, in Germany, Austria, France and Italy. (a globetrotter like you must know that Richard.) When going to the snow in Austria there is a fillingstation (Bregenz) just across the German border that has multiple LPG pumps, one of them has a sign 'Dutch adapter' with a queue of Dutch waiting. So when going on a holidaytrip this is the content of my cubbybox:

Sometime today is the closest I've got at the moment. Weather between your side of the country and mine is gnarly at the moment so I imagine the traffic will be a little messed up

I'm just one of nature's early risers. Got into the habit many years ago when I worked for a distribution company and haven't grown out of it!

Fortunately its my "old" one that needs an adaptor to fill. That already has a certificate. Interesting that R.I.P. who did both the installation and issued the certificate, did so even though their installation was non-compliant.
New one doesn't need an adaptor and also has a certificate.
May be worth noting that I've had problems with that bloody adaptor not connecting properly so I can see the sense in a fixed fill point.

I think I'll stick to my fantasy restoration and plug and fill the old hole before the respray. It'd always bother me to have a bung to nowhere on the side, besides which, imagine the fun if the other half ever went to fill it with gas :)