The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
804 posts

LR say 1A awake, and 40mA asleep - so the sleeping draw seems high... mine's far below 40mA


He's up to his same tricks - identical pictures from 2 years ago !! I doubt anyone here would fall for it, but just in case:

This is going to get unmanageable fast...Do we need a separate "market place " folder, and then we can do a separate post for the members who have stuff ? then we can close each post out... Anyway, for as long as we are doing it this way, I have a couple of the clip-on radiator cowl sections for Thor. If anyone needs then please PM me. I guess a tenner plus P&P?

I haven't had a rosy experience with martrim either, tbh. My material was delivered, late, to the local school ( fortunately my kids go there, and the office called me). And then the PVC (was for a Defender) was way too thick to mould to the contours of a Defender's roof - had to write it off and buy material off the bay, which is far better. I've got a swatch of the beige equivalent ready for the P38, but not placed the order yet

Phazed, where did your material come from/ what shade/ finish?

I think my favourite is how the shackles of the very expensive winch bumper are used to tie the number plate on...

that's some real bush mechanics there

One false move with an air chisel, and you may regret that you didn't just do it by hand. I did my panhard bushes by using a v similar tool to that featured in your video.
P38 radius bushes have a nylon sleeve though - very different technique for refitting. They require a special tool/ press, or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiAycOtZOwQ&t=12s

Morat wrote:

I'm looking forward to knowing everything so I can be a complete twat to people who dare ask the same question I learned from 10 years ago.

When are we getting a "like" button

It often happens that the old hands get weary of answering people's questions and then find it easier to write a sarky response - forgetting that these sites are self-generating and just passing the baton to "the next generation". Both rr.net and lz suffered/ suffer from the emperor-syndrome - but rr.net has moved on - LZ has yet to do so

HI Grrr

photos please....

Wazza, I feel for you, after your LZ experience. You'll find there's less bullshit masquerading as banter here than LZ. Anyway, welcome - sell the L322 and get a P38 again

**jastutte wrote

and the Inhibitor button is there to keep others from changing the ride height when i'm not in the Rover

How do you figure that ? Even a chimp can depress the latch button, especially if it has a light saying "press me" on it. Best to pull the relay if you have inquisitive occupants

It's a bit (more of) a faff on Thor, but are the injectors wired up ok (i mean, i know you can't get the order wrong, but are there any signs of a break/ loose connector?). I don't know what sound one would make if it died, but if no 8 were out then it might be doing all this. As mentioned above - the quick win is checking (and rechecking) the firing sequence of the HT leads, and making sure the HT leads are all properly pushed home

lightly armoured? is that like half pregnant? - are we talking about small arms, RPG or armoured piercing rounds?

hevac goes through a basic self test each time it is switched on - which includes moving the blend flaps. If they were stuck the symbol wd most likely come on straight away. The fact that it comes on later implies it is something else eg ac related, which the ECU is only requesting later on, in real life, doesn't work, and then throws up the symbol.
I'm guessing you have an ac issue...clutch engaging? if not, is it magnetised, if not can you engage it with 12v supplied direct to the compressor? do you now get cold air?

Hi Simon
I'm sure folks here will not be short of ideas, but it's mainly P38 expertise here - try landyzone or rangerovers.net

I'm not positive this is exactly the right part number - when you remove the seat it is moulded into the bottom of the foam...


Not stocked, but the price may be enough to help you make up your mind : o)

New ones are silly money - get a layer of foam to put between the old foam and the leather cover. I cheated and put an extra piece of High density UNDER the old foam, which also does the job

Do you KNOW that the headlight switch was turned off when you left the car?

I suppose the BeCM could also run the headlights, if something supplied earth to the right track/ wire. It could just be worth having a quick visual inspection of the BeCM connectors and checking no wiring melted as the fog lamp blew