The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
2448 posts

Drove it in endless circles at work... events field, office, events field, office
She didn't complain. Much nicer than a Gator!

Your choice - Good luck!

Hmmm, I could really do without replacing the fuse box.. but - is there a way to inspect it that isn't too destructive?

Wahay, progress! It's all looking very sharp indeed :)

I guess the crank sensor isn't necessarily in the clear yet - but it was registering engine speed every time I cranked the car but it only started once (after i'd messed with the fuel pump).
Time to get the fuel pressure gauge out as well!

OK, that's weird.

I cranked it and saw 0 rpm change to 155rpm. Coolant temp was a reasonable 15 degrees.

First crank caused a bit of a start and it died in half a second. Almost like it had a tiny amount of fuel but wasn't getting any more...

So I found the fuel pump relay option on the inputs page and flipped that on to see if I could hear the fuel pump running. I couldn't but that could just be my ears.

I flipped it on/off a few times and cranked again - perfect start.

Assuming the fuel pump relay works as I think it does, I wonder if the fuel pump isn't priming properly and maybe I have some leaky injectors which are reducing the fuel pressure after a few days sitting idle? Weirdness.
I'll see if it starts again in an hour or so.

All great suggestions for narrowing it down - thank you!
I'll report back :)

Hi folks,
the fun has begun again. I foolishly filled the Duchess with fuel and she immediately went into a sulk.
She'll crank all day but no start. The first crank came with a bit of a cough and 3-4 cylinders fired, nothing ever since.
In the past she was getting temperamental and would do this, then start perfectly after an hour or so. To try and fix that she had new plugs, wires, and coils and the problem seemed to be solved.
However, it was only ever a problem in the damp and the weather has been rubbish recently.
On Richard's suggestion I slapped the EKA in, no change.

I'm wondering - could it be the chip in the (only) fob? or is that ridiculous? The remote functions work OK (pretty much). Is there a way to know if the transponder in the fob is goosed?

Otherwise, I guess I need to get a plug out and check for spark when I have a minute.

Nanocom showed "adaptation out of range Bank1" 5 times when I first checked it. I've cleared that and it hasn't come back, which I guess isn't surprising as she hasn't run since!

Clues if you have them please, I'm all out!


Welcome! It's your round by the way ;)

How are you calculating 14mpg vs 20mpg? that's a hell of a drop.
OTOH 45ppl is a great price for LPG!

I held my radius arms while Marty pressed the bushes in on his hydraulic press. I'd say that two people are definitely required although the second person requires very little skill (luckily!)

KCR - what green is that? I really like it :)

The bumper is really offputting isn't it! Well, that and the exposed wiring to the foglights make it look really rough.

The accumulator is a quick and easy fix, certainly less of a Big Deal than an ABS pump...

Yes (and Clive is right).
They're cheap, easy to access and easy to sort. You may as well. Also, it seems that your system may have been open to the atmosphere for a few years while your P38 was running on springs.
There's no need to replace the whole thing unless it has cracked or is leaking in some way. Just remove it, clean it out, and replace the desiccant with a new load.
The worst-case scenario will only cost you £30 for a whole new unit.

You filthy filthy Shed Draggers!! :)

Gordon, letsencrypt renewals just needs a cron job set to run every month. I can't remember it all off the top of my head but there were really good instructions!
What OS does this server run?

It's self quarantine. A proportion of people get follow up calls and checks, but it's mainly self policed. Which is a bit bonkers IMO but there you go!